House Tour
Welcome to my humble abode! I purchased my first home at the tender age of 22 in February of 2011. With very limited funds to fix her up, I did a few things like removing carpet, refinishing hardwood floors, and painting, to make it livable before my initial move in. My dad decided to pitch in during the fall of 2011 and capture the changes for his TV show, Today’s Homeowner. So I moved out for a few months for the biggest transformations to take place. Even though I moved back in at the beginning of March 2012 with a like-new house, I’ve still found ways to make it more my own. Oh and I can’t forget, getting married and gaining a roommate in the spring of 2014 means it’s still a work in progress to make it work for us both!
Front Exterior
This is the front of the house when I bought it and while I lived there for the first few months.
Here’s the exterior after we removed and replaced the siding, added a gable roof and front porch, removed and replanted the grass and landscaping. We also tore down the big, beautiful cedar tree which we later turned into an heirloom headboard. Watch the full episode featuring the exterior facelift here.
And after buying new chairs, re-staining the handrails, cleaning and painting the spindles, adding some stripes to the floor, and changing the light fixture on the porch, she’s looking pretty cozy and welcoming these days! Or at least on those days when I remember to water the plants…
Living Room
I used plenty of hand-me-down furniture to stock the first rendition of my living room.
And after the big remodel, not much changed in here beside moving the TV to the sunroom and changing out some of the décor.
But since then, I’ve been busy painting the fireplace hearth, installing trim around the windows, cutting and adding bed molding to the trim, finishing the trim with caulk, putty and paint, and building a shoe tray. I’m still itching to ditch the slipcovered sofa for a big-girl couch and incorporate other design changes into the main entry into our home. I also moved the desk I refinished from our office/bonus room for a cool and cozy nook in the corner.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom is one of the rooms in our house that hasn’t seen many DIY projects or updates since its beginning. When I first moved in, it was bare bones with a simple IKEA bed frame, duvet purchased with a gift card and hand-me-down furniture from family.
After the remodel, I got a rug, some frames for the wall and a different hand-me-down nightstand.
At some point I realized turning the bed on the opposite wall, even with a window, would be more feng shui. Then when I got married, I tried to de-girlify the room with a white duvet cover. And I finally bought a matching pair of nightstands. My husband, Brandon, and I transformed a sofa table into the bench we keep at the foot of our bed.
The nursery has gone through many changes since its first days as a guest room. A few months after I first moved in, I had a roommate who occupied the room. Then she moved out a little before the remodel, I found a full-sized mattress, boxspring, and frame that had been in family storage and stuck it in there. This is what she looked like after the remodel.
After a year or so, Dad and I built a headboard from the cedar tree that had been torn down in the front yard and we switched the orientation of the bed.
Once Brandon and I found out we were expecting our first child, a girl, this room was cleared out to make room for itty bitty baby things!
Most of my pregnancy (and 2015) consisted of transforming this room. I painted the walls, added pizzazz to the ceiling, hung crown molding, added wood trim around the windows, created a gallery wall, updated my old dresser, made some pom poms for a ceiling mobile, turned sheets into curtains and a crib skirt, made some IKEA copycat picture ledges, DIYed Roman shades and a crafty or two.
The day I signed the papers that made this house mine, I tore out an interesting hamper cabinet opposite the toilet that looked like a laptop stand for sitting on the toilet. I also changed out the vanity for a $100 model. With a shower curtain and roll of toilet paper, this is how the bathroom looked those initial first months.
When we remodeled the bathroom, we took it down to the studs. But the layout remained the same.
I’ve done a few repairs like the drywall behind the toilet and adding a caulk strip along the bathtub. And besides adding fabric to hang the shower curtain at the ceiling, not much else has changed in here.
Guest Room/Nursery #2
This bonus room was covered in faux wood paneling and a lovely 70s-esque Celotex ceiling.
We removed the paneling and the ceiling tile revealed cottage chic bead board. We added 2 closets so it can now be considered a third bedroom, painted the walls, and threw in a desk to call it an office.
Since then I’ve turned one of the closets into my craft supply storage and painted polka dots on the back wall. We brought in a twin bed (it’s actually my first bed!) to call it our guest room after Mary Helen took over the old one.
Then Mr. Gus came along and it’s been transformed again into nursery #2!
Dining Room
The dining room when I moved in was just big enough for my parents’ old dining set.
We tore out the wall between the dining room and sunroom during the renovation, creating a more open floor plan.
Since then I purchased a different dining set on Craigslist, rehabbed a street-find dresser, chalk painted the wine rack, and moved the bookcase from the office.
Oh, the kitchen. This room has seen the most transformation from beginning to now. If I didn’t have a contractor for a father, the kitchen would have been a good reason not to buy this house in the first place! Here’s how it looked when I moved in.
After removing the previously-exterior wall/window/door to open it to the sunroom, replacing cabinets, countertops, appliances, and tile, it looked like a kitchen in a totally different house.
Buying a new barstool and receiving a pretty blue mixer as a wedding gift are the extent of what’s changed in this room. And I’m perfectly fine with that!
Second place behind the kitchen in overall transformation is the sunroom. It started with old, dirty vinyl tile and served as a free-for-all storage area when I originally moved in.
With the walls between the dining room and kitchen removed, the sunroom finally felt like part of the house and not an after-thought tacked on the back.
Since then I’ve bought a cozy couch, painted the entertainment center, crackled some paint on the end table, and added a little flair to the adjoining laundry closet.
When I bought the house, the backyard was soo overgrown and just gross.
Fortunately with all of the construction on the outside of the house including replacing the deck, the yard was torn up. Which meant I got to start from scratch with new plants and sod! Love the look of a natural deck!
I’ve done a lot since out there, most undocumented on this here blog, but I did plant salvias by the garage, transplant monkey grass, and paint a rug for the deck that has since been stained.
Hope you enjoyed the “quick” tour around our house! As always, comment below with any specific questions you might have seen in the pictures. ~Chelsea
Barb Cappa
I have some leather living room chairs with ball and claw foot design- just like the dining room furniture you got from your parents. I wish to paint the legs a Light Beige to make them look more modern. Can you give me any guidance?
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hi Barb! You can use the same chalk paint formula we used for the dining chairs to paint the wooden legs on your living room chairs. Just make sure you tape off the leather really well before! You can find that formula here.
I love it, and I know you and the family love it as well. Thanks for sharing.
Teresa Brown
I love everything you have done with the house. Thank you for sharing. I am looking forward to your future projects.
sandy baldwin
6-7-2021/12 noon/Monday
Hello Chelsea, on the main screen your showing a light blue color on the house with white trim…..My neighbor is trying to find a similar color to that here in Pensacola, FL but no one has it….HD/L….don’t know if she went to any smaller paint stores…do you know what the name is, it looks just like what she is looking for, esp. with the white trim…How do you think BOARD AND BATTEN shutters would look, she is not sure of the color yet, trying to convince her either white or black….its her house….any suggestions would help….thanks
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hi Sandy, B/B shutters in an inky black on the blue-green house color would look great! I ended up doing a custom color mix for our house seen in the background, about 50/50 of Misted Green and Greyhound. Both are Benjamin Moore colors. Hope this helps! ~Chelsea
Kat Burchfield
I have watched you for years on your Daddy’s show. It thrills my heart how you depend on him. When I was young I would ask my Daddy everything. I guess I thought he was the only person who knew anything. I did not know you were going to make Danny an “OLE MAN”, a Papa. He will be a mess when the baby gets here. You will be totally forgotten!! You are in for the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!!!! From the second I held my son, 33 years ago, my life changed…for the best. I was not expecting that feeling. I have 2 nieces, I love like they were mine. I expected Joe to be the same….Only it wasn’t . I was not prepared for THAT feeling. Motherhood is the best thing ever…and also the hardest job you will ever have!!! But so much fun. Time passes so quickly, it is sad that my baby is 33…heck…I am not even that old! LOL
I wish you the very BEST and I shall pray for Danny and your Mother. God Bless
Hi, happy for you and your family with a little angel coming your the relationship you and your Dad have..reminds me of mine and my Dads..I lost him a year and a half ago..enjoy every minute with yours..enjoy your decorating ideas…Dianne
Margaret Crompton
Like other people that have comments – I think you are incredible and watching you with your Father is so wonderful
My husband and I love his show on Saturday nites but unfortunately because of the ball games they are cut very short or not even shown that day! I wish the tv station that we watch all the time for everything would change the time and day so we could then enjoy your Father and learn lots of interesting hints.
The whole show is delightful and the people working with him are so great and obviously love your family.
We subscribe to “Mobile Bay” magazine and enjoy seeing you in articles occasionally. You are GREAT!! Thank you for allowing us to share your accomplishments!!!
So disappointed – none of the pics came through?
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Not sure where the photos went, but I’m working on correcting it now! ~ Chelsea
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hi Marty! The pictures have been reconnected! Hope you enjoy the tour! ~ Chelsea
Dorothy Everette
The house is so pretty. I would much rather have yours than some of the new houses in my area. Congratulations on becoming a mother.
Enjoyed watching this series. Was nice to see a rehab done without a budget in six figures. What are the kitchen cabinets? I looked on their website but did not see the glaze you have.
Phyllis Piontkowski
That is one beautiful home…..what a great job of remodeling. Congrats on the little one. You have it all together when it comes to designing, decorating, etc. Love your site. I always need ideas & you have them all.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Thank you for your kind comments Phyllis! Come back anytime for new ideas! ~ Chelsea
Awesome job! Love your home…and love watching you and your dad.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Thanks so much Kathy! ~ Chelsea
Judy Alexander
Love how you did your bathroom extending a shelf over the toilet. I, too, have a midtown home in Mobile and am desperate for bathroom counter space. Can you recommend anyone in Mobile that can do this for me? Thanks and I too love watching you and your Dad. I also listen to him and Alan on Saturdays on 106.5 congrats on beautiful princess!
Mary Thompson
The transformation of your home has been truly amazing! I noticed the beautiful soft color pallettes you’ve chosen for your walls and built-ins. They seem to blend in nicely as you go from one room to another. Could you tell me the colors you used? I have some painting projects coming up and would love to use them! Looking forward to your tips and tricks for home ideas Chelsea! Just found your website.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Thanks so much Mary! You can find all the paint colors I originally painted my house here:
I’ll be updating this page soon since many rooms and paint colors have changed!
Janet Stone
Oh Chelsea, I love the before/after pics. I am in a similar boat as you (old-new house, but no hubby or baby) purchased in 2012 June- now in 2017, on my 6th year of ‘nearly total’ renovations, with several interruptions of family illnesses and deaths-emotionally don’t feel like remodeling and career changes.) A 1965 cabin in a small town 7K in Lago Vista, TX after moving from Houston of 50 years (except the away at college years) I don’t miss the bit city, just my family.
I found you by searching on youtube for woodworking ideas, saw your mantle reno ‘helping your friend’ and loved it (especially the velcro panel for the e.c)! So went to your website, and learned more about you! What an awesome idea, then I learned you are a Lipford, I thought, is that Danny Lipford’s daughter – sure enough. I have watch his videos numerous times, especially with the ‘wood-look’ tile job in my kitchen.
Hope to see more later,
take care and I feel like a have a new ‘remodeling’ friend in AL!! Although this is my 2nd home (condo in Houston where a lot of my remodeling skills began due to necessity and being a private school teacher -$) so I am much older.
Love your site.
Janet Stone
Debra long
Your house is just beautiful, the baby is adorable, i watch your show every saturday, love all the information and transformations.?
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Thanks so much Debra! ~Chelsea
Satish chandra
Hi Chelsea! An exhilarating walkthrough … so much to learn from each episode… i only wish i could be of any help to you during this transformation.
Your life events opening up, while the house was transforming made the reading all the more interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Chelsea, I enjoy your show on Sundays with you and your Dad, awesome to watch the houses change and transform. I am newly engaged and I like your wedding dress on your instagram- Congratulations to you:) I was wondering if you could tell me where you got your beautiful dress or the brand name and how you chose it, Thanks a bunch! Cheers to you:)
I just caught the tail end of a show talking about putting something to put in paint to keep it from leaving streaks, have you heard of such a thing?
Trying to paint my 6 panel door again without leaving brush strokes and not seeing them in the middle of the door again…
10-24-19/11:24 AM
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hey Sandy! You can add a product called Floetrol to latex paint to help reduce brush strokes. (Here’s an affiliate link to purchase from Amazon: But I also have a video on how to paint a door using a roller to eliminate brush strokes->click here for that. Either way, you’ll want to sand before re-painting to reduce the existing brush strokes before covering them up! ~Chelsea
betty murphy
I have watched you work on your house with your dad in a couple of shows and amazed at what a beautiful home it turned into .I most like when you changed out your heat pump and had to give up part of your closet and it worked out great .You put so much love into that home .I just got done putting down over 2000 square feet of vinyl plank floors by myself and it was fun but well worth it .I had to take up laminate floors and gave them to a friend for her home and her sons installed them .I love do it yourself projects and the changes amaze you every time .You and your dad are special people and I look forward to the new projects coming up after this tough time is over .