How to Make a Cheap 30-Minute Plant Stand
Quick, Easy Plant Stand Adds Warmth to a Front Porch Watch this how-to video and build your own trendy wood stand for a planter of any size! Perfect for adding height and texture to your porch, deck or patio. And it only costs $6 in lumber! Materials 1×2 cedar board* pocket hole jig*(newer version of what I used) miter saw* tape measure*(my favorite!) drill/driver wood chisel* wood glue* clamps* sander* planter (personalized crock like mine) Obviously if you don’t have all of the tools and screws on hand already, this project will cost more than the $6 piece of cedar. But it’s still a great, easy piece to make! Cut…
How I Kill Weeds Without Chemicals
Kill Weeds with Items You Already Have Using household items you already have around your home, you can easily kill weeds in sidewalks, driveways or flower beds. Hot Water Depending on how many weeds you have to kill and their location in your yard, you can use hot water to kill them! Boil a pot of water and pour directly on any weeds and it will burn them dead.
How I Made My Porch Happier with Paint
Simple Option To Update Handrails Updating your front porch may be as easy as a coat of paint! This is how I painted my stained handrails white with a little time and some leftover paint making this a totally free upgrade! Home maintenance is a process, y’all! Especially when you can’t leave well enough alone and one project compounds into 3 or 4 projects! #storyofmylife! Back Story I started cleaning up and updating our front porch in the fall by pressure washing everything and sealing the front concrete sidewalk. Then I tried out a paint process that makes our fiberglass door look like stained wood!😍 Touch Up Stain and Paint…
Cherry-Picked: Rug Grippers!
How to Eliminate a Common Frustration with Rugs If your rug or welcome mat slips and slides every time it’s used, here’s the inexpensive fix I’ve been using for months! No more frustration at the rug moving around. Before We have 2 problem rugs in our house and they are both in the kitchen/sunroom where we have tile floors. The runner in the kitchen irks me when it’s not straight. But it’s also a slight slip risk. The simple entry rug we have inside our back door is very slippery even when you’re being careful. I’ve tried numerous things to keep them from sliding around.
How to Create Workshop on a Budget
Budget-Friendly Garage Workshop Makeover Painting and reusing old cabinets is a great way to create a defined workshop area in a garage. And adding casters to an old table saves money and gives you a portable workbench! Materials milk paint (ballet pink)* paint sprayer (my most favorite one ever!)* scrap cardboard sandpaper respirator 3 inch screws drill/driver casters (30% off right now!)* 3/8″ and 3/4″ drill bits 2-part epoxy glue like this Clean and Paint Depending on how old your cabinets are and where they’ve been stored, they may require some repairs before they can be painted! Mine needed a good cleaning to get rid of the mildew (just 50/50…
How to Clean Up Your Yard for Summer Now!
Yard Work You Can Do During Quarantine Get your edging, pruning, weeding and mulching done now before the growing season makes it harder to maintain. After a long winter of not doing much in my yard (I’m so unmotivated in cold weather!), I’m bursting at the seams to get out in the yard to groom and trim and make her look her best when the weather warms up! And that’s especially true since I’m spending all day every day at home during the coronavirus lockdown!
How to Dye Drop Cloths for Patio Curtains
Use Fabric Dye to Customize Drop Cloth Curtains Store-bought drop cloths are big and inexpensive. Add some fabric dye and you’ve got custom curtains perfect for hanging inside or outside on your patio! Materials 6ftx9ft drop cloth* (1) Rit liquid fabric dye-Denim* (3) Rit liquid fabric dye-Navy Blue* table salt dish soap bathtub or kiddy pool gloves curtain rod mounting brackets* curtain rings* Rit has color formulas for just about any color under the sun! Select your desired color and they tell you how many bottles of each color you’ll need! Why Drop Cloths Drop cloths are relatively inexpensive when compared to curtain panels of the same size. And that’s…
How To Update Your Master Bedroom Now
Easy Ways to Refresh Your Bedroom During Quarantine Using things you already have around the house, quickly update your master bedroom to bring calm and peace during this uncertain time. I started working on ‘refreshing’ our master bedroom back in April of last year when we were in the middle of adding a master bathroom onto our house. Because there was some drywall work that needed to be painted on the bedroom side anyway, I thought, “Let’s just go ahead and paint the whole darn thing.” Which lead to changing out our bed, bedding, and simplifying our decor too!
Built-In Shoe Rack How To Video
Make Your Own Custom Shoe Rack This video shows you how to build a shoe rack custom to the size of your closet and shoes! Give it a built-in look by removing the baseboard before installation. Materials 4’x8’x1/2″ sheet of MDF oil-based primer* 1″x12″x12′ wood stain satin polyurethane* nail gun* and nails circular saw* level* paint and stain supplies oscillating tool with blade* Of course, the measurements all depend on the size of the shoe rack you want to build! I use use my actual dimensions for these how-to purposes! Design and Layout To optimize the space in my closet and really enhance the built-in look of my new shoe…