
Cherry-Picked: Honey for Amazon

How I Save Money on Amazon

How I Save Money Shopping on
Raise your hand if you’ve ever bought something on Amazon? Or, if you’re like me, it’s something at least once a month…?

If so, then you need my latest cherry-pick! The best part? It doesn’t cost you a penny! It only helps you SAVE money! Hello, Honey!

Amazon Product Page with Honey Browser Extension

Best Deal

What is it? It’s a browser extension you install on your computer called Honey*. As you’re shopping on Amazon (and other online retailers), it notifies you of better deals for the specific item you’re looking at. For example in the image above, I circled what it looks like. The “Best Deal” button shows that this is the best price available for this item on Amazon. BUT, sometimes it’ll say “Save $1.88” or whatever price. If you click on it, it’ll show you the different price options for the same item.

I recently used this for a bottle of bubbles for my kids. It was priced at $10.50. But Honey let me know that if I switched to a different Amazon seller, it would save me over a $1 even though the actual list price was higher. The new seller already had tax included in the price, so the overall total for me was lower. Win!

Honey will also point out that you could save money by purchasing from a different seller that does not provide Prime’s famous 2-day shipping. If you do select to follow Honey’s recommendation and buy from a different seller, with one click it’ll remove the more expensive item from your cart and add the new one!

Price History

OK that’s great and all, but probably my favorite feature is the Price History. Sometimes the “Best Deal” button will say “9 Price Changes”. And that, my friends, means the listing price has fluctuated (for better or for worse) in the past 30 days.

If you didn’t know already, the pricing on Amazon is cray-cray! The price on an item can literally change multiple times in one day! So this handy feature lets you see how the current price compares to the past 30 days.

Honey Plugin Price History for White Wall Light

For me, if I’m not in a hurry and the price is higher than it has been recently, I will wait a few days, or even a few weeks, for the price to drop. Then I hurry and purchase before it goes back up! Ha!


Speaking of price drops. Honey has another feature called Droplist. You can add an item to your Droplist with certain parameters and Honey will email you when the price goes below the threshold you set! Or you can log in and see the current status of everything on your Droplist.

An example of this-I was buying a baby gift for a friend. The price had fluctuated here and there according to Honey. But the cheapest price I could find was on Amazon. So I added it to my Droplist. I was anxious to purchase and check it off my list. So a day or two went by and the price dropped a little, maybe 50 cents. I went ahead and purchased but didn’t remove it from my Droplist.

Another day went by and the price dropped another $.50 or more. Well that’s not worth the hassle of returning what I purchased and ordering another one. But I still forgot to remove it from my list. Another day or two goes by and the price drops $1.50 or so. Another day goes by and the price drops again! Finally a week later, the overall price was $10 less than what I paid for it!! So, sorry for the delay Allison, I ordered it for the cheaper price and returned the original, more expensive one.

Price History for Baby Swaddles 120 Days

The same exact item was $10 cheaper 7 days later! And I only knew that and was able to score this deal because of the Honey extension I had installed on my browser!

This only scratches the surface of what Honey can do for your online shopping, but honestly I’m slow to adopt changes to my routines so I haven’t used them yet myself.

If I piqued your interest, you can use my affiliate link here to download the browser extension to your computer! (I make a small commission if you use my link to download Honey. It helps keep this blog running, but doesn’t cost you a thing! However, I’m only recommending Honey since I use it myself and LOVE it!) Then you can comment below and tell me your favorite feature!

Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

*This post contains affiliate links*


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