Indoor Projects
DIY Trash Can Cabinet
How to Build a Cabinet to Hide Your Trash Can OK, so you don’t have enough cabinet space in your kitchen to conveniently hide your trash can. But that doesn’t mean you have to see your trash can all the time, if you don’t want to. For about $40, you can easily build a small cabinet to house and conceal your trash can. And it tilts out, too, to give you easy access! Materials Let’s start this how-to off with the tools and materials you’ll need to gather and pick up from the store. trash can*(look for it at your local Walmart!) tape measure 4’x4’x1/2″ sanded plywood (3) 1″x4″x8′ (1)…
Does Homax Porcelain Chip Fix Work?
My Review of Homax’s Porcelain Chip Fix in a Sink In short, it didn’t work for me the first time. But I always like to give the benefit of the doubt, so I applied it a second time a few weeks later. (Results are pending for my second trial run. This review reflects the initial application.) Maybe I did it wrong? Or possibly I cleaned it too aggressively after it cured? I don’t know but here’s how it all went down.
Master Bathroom with Hotel Style
How To Add Style to a Bathroom With Paint And Ingenuity You don’t need an entire remodel or a construction company to make your master bathroom feel fresh, new, or like you walked into a high-end hotel. We recently featured this bathroom facelift on an episode of Today’s Homeowner. The homeowners, Ryan and Chloe, lived with a concrete subfloor for over a year after their son flooded and ruined the carpet. They just didn’t know where to start! Replace Flooring While we could have put down tile on the concrete to match the existing nearby tile, they were really looking for something new and different. So we started by removing the…
How to Make a Small Room Look Larger
How I Made My Bathroom Look Bigger A few inexpensive changes can make a small room in your house, like a bathroom, look and feel bigger without tearing down walls!?? Open Shelving Yes, I know what you’re thinking…where am I supposed to store my stuff if all I have is a few shelves? Well, I’d say seriously consider what you’re storing and how you use it. For me, most of the stuff stored in my large medicine cabinet was not used everyday. So, I was able to relocate it to a nearby closet. And that meant, adios light-blocking cabinet! Don’t overlook the fact act you can easily store everyday items…
Free Pantry Labels Download
Cute Labels to Organize Your Pantry You know the saying, “the cobbler’s children have no shoes”? Yeah, that’s definitely the case at my house sometimes. Which is why I’m showing you pictures of someone else’s pantry today and not my own.? Dad and I recently worked with Laney and Chris for an episode of Today’s Homeowner. They desperately needed help in updating the look AND function of their laundry room which also serves as their pantry. Here’s their pantry shelf before?:
Modern Dining Table Update with Resin
How to Use a Router and Resin to Create an Inlay I am not kidding when I tell you that I’ve had this dining room table in my garage for over 4 years waiting for a makeover. Thinking back brings up fond memories since it was the week of my wedding when I found her in someone’s trash pile. I knew she could be brought back to life with a little love so I’ve been trying to come up with the right project. I wanted to do something neat and different from just re-staining or painting it. I can’t even remember what inspired me but once I thought “inlay” I…
Shared Toddler Room Mood Board
How I’m Turning Our Nursery Into A Boy/Girl Room If you follow my Instagram stories, then you may have seen back in May we started moving our little guy, Gus, into his sister’s room. They were pretty much sleeping on the same schedule and Grandma from Indiana was coming to visit. Plus with a few trips coming up this year where we’d all be sharing a room, I thought it was a good impetus to have them share a room full-time. And we’d have an official guest room again! Unfortunately for Gus the room was very pink. Here’s what is looked like when I finished it up back in 2015 before…
Replacing Hardwood Floor Boards
How To Patch a Hole and Replace Boards in Your Hardwood Floor Can I please stress to you that replacing a few boards of flooring, whether vinyl planks or tongue and groove hardwood, is NOT hard?! Sure it may be a little inconvenient and looks worse before it looks better, but it can be done! And of course I’m here to show you how!
How To Build A Simple Wood Headboard Video
DIY Campaign-Style Headboard for Under $150 This is no April Fool’s joke! I really made this fabulous stained wood headboard for under $150. All you need are some basic power tools, a little know-how, and this video (duh!) to make one yourself! Materials miter saw* circular saw* utility knife tape measure* speed square* straight edge, like a 4 ft level* painter’s tape wood glue* drill* sander* wood stain in Briarsmoke* polyurethane* spray paint* in Pure Gold 5/16″ drill bit* 1/2″ wood screws 1″ wood screws (2) 4″ flat, L-shaped corner braces* (4) 2″ flat, L-shaped corner braces* 2″ heavy duty corner braces* (4) 1/4″x1-1/2″ carriage bolts with nuts (3) 6’x1″x3″ select pine (1)…