Adding a Stained Top to a Metal Cart
I love being able to modify something to make it more unique, pretty, or functional. Especially when that something was only $8 to begin with! So when I found this cart at our local Goodwill store, I knew it’d be perfect for my laundry room project after a few modifications. I could have put a lot more time and money into, but decided spray painting it and adding a simple stained wood top to match the laundry sorter would be plenty!
How To Paint Garage Floor
I love my garage! It’s such a workhorse that stores stuff long-term, holds my project materials and tools, and serves as a place to park my car! My garage building is divided into 2 basically equal sides. The right side is where I park my car and the left side is my shed where we keep paint, the lawnmower, ladder, etc. Unfortunately, I also have some stuff stored along the edges on the garage side as well. Not ideal, but it still leaves me just enough space to park my hand-me-down Honda Pilot. I also use this space to build things and cut lumber since the open garage door provides…
Upcycling Inexpensive Furniture
Several months ago I updated a hand-me-down bookcase that had a very 70s feel to it. I added new molding on the edges of the shelves. And a small pop of color on the back… Well, the bookcase fairy is at it again for this month’s webisode! Here’s the after:
How to Deck Out your Laundry Sorter
Part 2 of How to Build a Beautiful Laundry Sorter Follow my plans to build a 4-hamper laundry sorter, then check out this post for details on how to stain the top, paint the base, and install the drawer hardware to complete the dresser look! Materials (5) 1×4 poplar boards, if staining top (5) 1×4 pine or whitewood, if painting top wood stain or paint (I used Minwax’s Espresso) stain rags* or paint brush drill/driver* 3/16″ drill bit* drawer pulls* small chain* small wood screws* I included the materials for the top of the sorter in the shopping list in my last post, (5) 1×4 poplar boards cut to 74 inches.…
How To Paint An Entry Rug
So I’ve had this rug complete for over a week now. But there was something funny going on with my website that would not let me upload images. And what good is a how-to tutorial without images? No good at all, I’d say! Thanks to some deep digging from my buddy and webmaster it’s fixed and I’m getting back on track!I teased the finished rug on Instagram (so click over to follow me!). Rain rain go away! I’m tired of the summer thunderstorms that have been rolling through almost everyday this week! So I’m dreaming of a sunnier day when I made this new rug for our back door. #sneakpeek…
Stripping Latex Paint
As documented on my previous post, I had a bit of a rough time with my thrifted Last Supper print. I came to the decision to strip the red paint from the wooden frame to get back to the original wood tone. (Frame Before Paint) I grabbed my materials and headed to the shop.
Hanging in the Dining Room
A few months ago, my husband, mom, dad, baby, and I went to visit my uncle who lives in my dad’s hometown of Marianna, Florida. It was the first time Brandon and Mary Helen got to meet Uncle Mike! So it was a special trip. We also had an opportunity to walk through my grandma’s old house to see if there was anything we’d like to keep before they cleared it out to rent. (She passed away in 2012.) One thing, or 3 things I should say, I took home were some old wooden utensils I remember hanging in her and my granddad’s kitchen most of my childhood. I thought it’d…
Re(a)d All Over
As promised, I’m back with the details on painting the lattice background from my bookshelf makeover. My instinct was to do a solid color, again, but then I thought I’d add a little drama to the back of the overstuffed bookshelf. After stenciling an accent wall in my living room, I thought stenciling would be the way to go to get a neat pattern.
Bookshelfie Makeover
Today is my baby girl’s half-birthday! While not a big milestone for adults or even older children, it really feels like a giant stepping stone during her first year of life! But before I get carried away bragging about how awesome my kid is, the real reason I’m checking in today is to share a fun bookshelf makeover I just completed! This bookshelf was handed down to me from my grandparents when they were purging a lot from their house. It was originally brown with a faux wood look. Not my style. So I had caulked all of the joints and painted it white. Then I painted the back of…