How to Sell Your House Fast and Cheap
What I Did to Sell Our House in 2 Days Use these tips to get your house ready to sell whether you’re selling it by owner or using a Realtor. Just a little time, effort, and sometimes money will get your house looking its best. I spent 9.5 years improving, beautifying, and tweaking our home. I know our house may be more updated, renovated, or ‘prettier’ than your house. But I believe these tips will help any house look better and sell faster. Heck, you may even want to follow these tips even if you aren’t planning to sell. I know I loved how our house looked after I staged…
How To Remove Latex Paint
Removing paint from your jeans All you need are 2 things you probably already have laying around your house to remove dried latex paint from your clothes! Materials rubbing alcohol* scrub brush* old toothbrush See, that’s it! I hate changing into clothes to do a project and prefer to wear whatever I already have on, so this is not my first pair of pants that have been ‘decorated’ with paint before! And most certainly won’t be the last, no matter how careful I am!
Easy Way to Clean and Maintain a Concrete Walkway
How To Make Concrete Low Maintenance Sealing concrete can actually reduce how often you have to clean it! Clean It Well As I mentioned in my fireplace makeover video, my projects tend to snowball and get out of hand pretty quickly…well, that’s what happened here. We need to reapply some caulk and touch up paint on the railings and columns on our front porch. But you can’t paint dirty wood. So I decided to pressure wash the whole front porch. Then I thought while I have the pressure washer out, let me go ahead and clean the front walk. And then I’ll seal it too. It’s been way too long…
Cherry-Picked: Dr. Bronner’s 18-in-1 Castile Soap
Helllooooo!!! It’s been a while since I’ve been able to post on here. And I’ll show some projects I’ve been working on during my hiatus in some coming posts. But for now, I’m here to introduce a new series I’ve been wanting to do for some time. It’s called “Cherry-Picked by Chelsea” and I’ll be sharing products, whatchamacallits and maybe even a podcast or two that I’m currently loving. They won’t always be DIY or home related, but it will always be 100% things I actually own, use, and love! Drumroll, please. My first cherry-pickĀ is Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap. I’ve been working over the past 9+ months to declutter,…
Updating Faded Vinyl Shutters
A cheap and quick way to make vinyl shutters look brand new and improve your home’s curb appeal It’s been a little over 5 years since I updated the siding, windows, and landscaping at our house. And since then not much maintenance has happened in the front yard. Besides our weekly mowing, I’ve restained and sealed the handrails, painted the porch floor, built a planter box, and that’s about it. In addition to a little neglect, our house faces south and gets the brunt of the sun all. day. long. So there are a few things that are looking a little old, sad, and rundown. One of those things are…
Stripping Sealer from Concrete
The rug I painted on my garage floor is still going strong! (If you haven’t watched the how-to video yet, what are you waiting on?) But one thing I left out of the video was how I messed up the first time I applied the sealer to the floor. The mistake I made was a total rookie move. I simply applied it too thick. You would think, oh let me coat it really good so I don’t miss any spots. But what happens is that it doesn’t cure, or dry, very well. And it ends up tacky and streaky. Exhibit A:
How to Clean Curtains
‘Tis the season to have a revolving door of guests over and deep clean your living spaces. Or at least that’s the case for my home. Putting up the Christmas tree in my living room required a little rearranging of the furniture that’s in there year round. And moving furniture around brought my attention to how dusty my new curtains are already. They were just put up in August! Sometimes you just don’t notice how dirty something is until you clean it, though. Even if you prefer to wash or dry clean your curtains, it certainly helps them get their best clean by vacuuming dust and dirt first. Of course,…
Cleaning Up Yard for Winter
Being pregnant has lots of perks. People holding doors open for you and offering to do your heavy-lifting, etc. But one thing I’m not digging (pardon the pun…) is not being able to be out in my yard during the high heat of summer. Here in Mobile, most days during the months of July, August, September and half of October get into the 90s with humidity at 85%+ giving a heat index of over 100!! It’s no joke to be playing outside in the middle of the day. So I had to turn a blind eye to the mess my yard was becoming. It was painful since I’d worked so…
Easy Way to Clean Moldy Caulk and Keep It That Way
Simple Recipe That Cleans Caulk without Scrubbing The caulk around a kitchen sink or bathtub is very susceptible to mold, but it can be hard to scrub clean. This recipe with household ingredients makes it easy to clean mold without any scrubbing! This magical paste kills and removes the mold. What You Need bleach baking soda* plastic wrap* cheap brush* small mixing bowl Mix It Up Mix a little bleach with a little baking soda to create a paste. Use a disposable paint brush or something similar since the bleach can quickly ruin whatever you use. Generously brush the paste onto your caulk. Once you’ve adequately coated your mold with…