Outdoor Projects

Updating Faded Vinyl Shutters

A cheap and quick way to make vinyl shutters look brand new and improve your home’s curb appeal

How to Make Faded Shutters Look Like New
It’s been a little over 5 years since I updated the siding, windows, and landscaping at our house. And since then not much maintenance has happened in the front yard. Besides our weekly mowing, I’ve restained and sealed the handrails, painted the porch floor, built a planter box, and that’s about it.

In addition to a little neglect, our house faces south and gets the brunt of the sun all. day. long. So there are a few things that are looking a little old, sad, and rundown. One of those things are the vinyl shutters that flank each of the windows.

Sun Faded Vinyl Shutter

It reminds me of what my makeup looks like at the end of a long day…there, but a little worse for the wear!?

Worn Out Brown Shutter Before Update

Fortunately the solution doesn’t require replacing them and only costs about $6! I used ArmorAll’s Original Protectant. That’s right, the classic car care spray. I picked up the spray version in the automotive aisle at Walmart. But you can also use the pre-moistened wipes*.

Since I was using the spray, I simply sprayed it on my shutters. Then wiped off the excess with an old washcloth. IMMEDIATE RESULTS! For comparison, the left has been sprayed and wiped, the right one hasn’t been touched.

Vinyl Shutter Before and After Revitalizing

In 30 minutes I was able to wipe down all of the shutters on the front of my house.

Chelsea Wiping Vinyl Shutters with ArmorAll Spray

And the curb appeal of our house was instantly improved.

Brown Vinyl Shutter After Updating with ArmorAll

That’s why I love home improvement! Instant gratification and satisfaction! Of course I usually kick myself after a quick project like this for taking so long to get around to it…But it’s done now and I can enjoy coming home!

Update Worn Vinyl Shutters with ArmorAll

What quick fixes have you worked on around your house lately? Share in the comments below! Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

*This post contains affiliate links*


  • Marlene Singletary

    Great tip, glad to hear/see this because my shutters on the front of my house look like your before shutter, thanks for sharing this, not hard at last, last time I took them off, washed them & spray painted them & put back up but this is much easier & faster, thanks again.

  • Debbie

    Hi Chelsea,
    This summer before my daughters graduation party I looked at my shutters and they looked pink and chalky. I took them down, cleaned them with an all purpose cleaner and spray painted them with a gloss paint. Sounds weird but I love them.

  • betty

    I love armour all it is great for lots of things besides my shutters and cars it is great for anything that is plastic .I use it on my lawnmowers to keep them pretty .OH I own 2 ride on mowers for my 3 acres.I like pretty lawnmowers that look nice while mowing .Plus you need to take care of them to keep them working great .I use it on plastic planters so the planters do not get brittle .

    • Chelsea Lipford Wolf

      Haha! Never thought to use it on a lawn mower, but that makes since! Thanks for sharing, Betty! ~Chelsea

  • Marsha L Kirkland

    Chelsea I bought a tool you recommended Ames Stand-Up Weeder because I have some black berry bushes that grow wild right next to my house. I hate black berries. I ‘ve tried spraying them with all kinds of stuff and they won’t go away. Saw your advertisements about the weed tool and thought I d found the solution pulling them up by the roots. Didn’t work, once again they are back this year. Do you have any other solutions?

    • Chelsea Lipford Wolf

      Ugh, Marsha! That can be really frustrating! Are you confident the Weeder got the entire root of the blackberry bush? I haven’t ever had any experience with those personally, but from a quick Google search, it looks like it takes a few seasons to get rid of them! Boo! You just have to keep pulling them up, removing all of the root. And eventually you’ll have them taken care of. Again, I’m not exactly sure how they grow, but you make also give my newspaper method a go. Here’s the link to my post on that. Basically, lay down newspaper or cardboard on top of the plant you want to kill, wet it down, and then cover with pine straw or other mulch. It’ll essentially smother anything under it. I hope that helps you out a little, Marsha! ~Chelsea

  • Mitzi Booker

    Hi Chelsea! I live in a 55 and over complex I rent the land, I like to have it look nice. Well they came and cut lots of trees because of the leaves clogging the drain ,the stumps remain! What design ideas can I do with the stumps? Can you offer an idea or two? From Massachusetts. Stay safe!


    I just discovered your website. My plastic shutters look like yours did in your 2017 post. You say that wiping them ArmorAll’s Original Protectant gave you immediate results. I am wondering though, how long that new look lasted especially after several good rains. In other words, how often did you need to reapply the protectant or did you discontinue using it? Thank you.

    • Chelsea Lipford Wolf

      Hi Mary! It lasted for about a year! We were ready to apply it again, since we already had it on hand and it’s quick!, but we sold our house and moved instead! ~Chelsea

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