Indoor Projects

How To Hang A Cube Organizer

How to Hang a Cube Organizer on the Wall

Cube Storage Hanging Above Laundry Sorter
When it came to storage and organization in my laundry room project, I wanted to think outside the (cabinet) box. The plan is to put cabinets on the wall above the washer and dryer, so I thought it’d be fun to use something different on the opposite wall above the laundry sorter.

And I think that’s what I got. It’d be great in a bedroom or family room too!

Create Cleats

Since the organizer itself doesn’t have any ‘meat’ to use to attach it to the wall (It’s made for sitting on the floor.), I had to make some cleats to attach to the wall and then attach the organizer to the cleats.

Cleats Attached to Wall for Cube Storage

I used 1x2s cut to the width of the inside of the top 3 cubes. I primed and painted them before they were installed so I wouldn’t have to paint them in place against the new blue walls! At the same time I was also hanging cleats for 2 shelves that would fill the wall between the cubes and the right wall.

When you’re hanging the cleats for the cube organizer, make sure to leave a space between them for the vertical separator of the cube. My particular one was 1/2 inch thick, so my cleats are 1/2 inch apart from each other.

The cleats for the cubes were only 11 inches wide, which meant at most I’d be able to attach them to one stud each. So I picked up some toggle bolts* in the hardware aisle.

Install Toggle Bolts

First I held the cleat in place and checked that it was level. Then I used a countersink bit to drill a hole through the cleat and into the drywall enough to make a mark, if not more.

Predrilling Hole in Cleat with Countersink Bit

Then I set the cleat aside and used a 3/8 inch drill bit (which was called for on the box of my toggle bolts) to drill a hole in that spot on the drywall.

Drilling Hole for Toggle Bolt Into Drywall

Next I put the bolt through the cleat and lightly tightened the spring-loaded anchor on the bolt on the back side of the cleat.

Toggle Bolt Inserted Through Cleat

To insert it into the hole I drilled, I pinched the anchor together and used a little force to squeeze it past the drywall. I checked for level again with the bolt in place, but not tightened.

Leveling Cleat After Inserting Toggle Bolt

Then I was able to use my nail gun to shoot a nail or two into the studs which I had previously marked using a stud sensor. And I also tightened the toggle bolt.

Shelf Cleat Installed with Toggle Bolt and Nails in Studs

Hang Organizer

Once my 3 cleats were secure, I held the cube organizer in place on top of them and nailed some 2 inch nails down through the top of the organizer into my cleats. That held it in place enough for me to take another cleat the entire length of the whole organizer and attach it below the bottom to keep the unit from drooping and coming disassembled over time. Then I was able to nail down through the bottom cubes into that cleat and call it hung!

Putty and Paint

Of course the work wasn’t over with that! I had to cover up those large holes and screw heads. Since I used the countersink bit, the screw heads were recessed making it easy to cover them with putty. I also used some putty to cover the small heads of the nails. Then everything got a quick paint touch up.

Cube Organizer Hanging on Cleats on Wall

I attached the 1×12 shelves the same as the organizer by nailing down from the top into the cleats hung in the corner. The shelf boards are a little thicker than the shelves in the organizer, but for the most part they line up together and look like one unit now!

9 Cube Storage Organizer Mounted on Wall

A few small nails from underneath can attach the front left side of the shelves to the cube organizer to keep them nice and tight.

Now it’s up to the family to fill the cubes and shelves with stuff! I’m thinking a few fabric boxes or baskets will look great in all of that white. What would you put in your cubes if you had storage like this? What other storage ideas have you used for a laundry room? Share in the comments below!

Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

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  • Stephanie Greenwood

    So creative! I never thought about hanging a cube organizer on the wall, but it works – definitely more interesting than plain shelves. Can’t wait to see what’s next. Can I have this laundry room?

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