Indoor Projects

Quick Fix for Nursery Floors

When I moved back into my house in 2012, I got new rugs for most every room with hardwood floors, including the former guest room (now becoming a nursery). The rug in the guest room was smaller, maybe a tad undersized. And what I didn’t realize was that the hand-me-down bed frame was missing 2 padded feet.

At some point the bed was moved around during a rearrangement phase. And since the rug didn’t cover all of the floor, the unpadded feet with sharp metal edges were drug across my precious hardwood floors. Leaving me with these beauties:

scratch in hardwood floor before repair

They really stand out in person against the darker stain on the floors. And when I run my finger across, they’re pretty deep too. Of course, they were kept under wraps until a few weeks ago when I cleared everything to begin painting the nursery. Not going to lie, my heart sank a little when I pulled back the rug and saw that!

Before I started putting things back in the room, I thought I might as well try to touch-up the raw wood exposed in the scratches with wood stain. Fortunately I had the exact stain leftover from when the floors were refinished. (I used it recently to create my shoe tray in the living room, too.) It’s English Chestnut by Minwax for those keeping score.

I got out my favorite beauty device and popped open the can.

wood stain on white cotton swab touching up scratch in wood floor

After covering the raw wood with the stain, I wiped the excess off of the surrounding area with a tissue. Then I headed out into the hallway to touch-up another stain-less spot that’s been bugging me for years.

Stain Missing on End of Shoe Molding

But obviously not enough to whip out the stain can until now. This is right next to the bathroom, so I see the lack of stain A LOT. Using the same cotton swab technique, I dabbed stain on the end of the shoe molding.

Stain Touched Up on Wood Shoe Molding

The results weren’t very impressive since there was some kind of residue on half of the shoe molding that I didn’t notice until the stain was on.

That’s OK because I’m VERY pleased with how the floor touch-up looks!

Scratches in Hardwood Floor After Touch-Up

The long scratch really disappears since it’s in the direction of the wood grain. And even though the round, circular scratch is now darker than the rest of the floor, I think it blends in MUCH better.

And all of the scratches will really disappear when I put a rug back in the room for Baby Girl Wolf. But next time I remove the rug for whatever reason, I won’t get that sinking feeling!

We’re still working on hanging crown molding in this room, but that hasn’t been going so well. Hopefully it’ll be finished soon.

Thanks for Checking In! ~ Chelsea

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