Pink Girls’ Shared Bedroom Evolution
Our girls’ shared bedroom has come a long way since we first moved in. See how its design and makeover has slowly evolved over the past year. I shared the evolution of this room in real time in my Instagram stories. You can watch part 1 here and part 2 here. When we bought our house in July 2020, the second bedroom was large but had dated wood paneling and green carpet!
DIY Roman Shade for Any Window
A little fabric can add a nice layer and so much warmth to any room! So here’s how to easily create your own DIY Roman shade to fit any window in your home. What to Buy retro-style iron* cordless mini blinds* fabric (what I used) measuring tape* no-sew hem tape* fabric glue* my favorite clamps* When we first moved into our house, I wasn’t ready to decorate our primary bathroom or make it over. But we still needed privacy! So I bought the cheapest mini blinds and hung them up. But after adding wallpaper and really gussying up the joint a few months ago, it was time to jazz up…
1950s Kitchen Renovation Ideas
We’re getting ready for a kitchen renovation, so I’m sharing a before tour of what our 1950s kitchen looks like now. And check out my design plans to see what we’re changing during the kitchen remodel! Original 1955 Kitchen Cabinets When we first moved in, I thought the kitchen was small and we’d have to do an addition to get a nicer kitchen.
Did I Just Build a Console Table?!
Inspired by currently trending raffia-covered furniture, I’m showing you how to build your own TV console table covered in wallpaper for $150! **I partnered with Titebond for this project which makes me really excited because…I used their original wood glue and ONLY their wood glue to hold my entire table together! What?!** The goal for my house was a tall and wide table without any visible supports that broke up the clean lines. The overall dimensions of my finished table are 70″ wide and 35″ tall. So keep that mind with the materials and cut lists below! What to Buy (1) sheet of 3/4″ plywood* (5) 1x2x8* Titebond Original Wood…
DIY Dollhouse Nightstand with Free Plans!
This how-to video shows you exactly how to build a custom nightstand that looks just like a dollhouse! Sign up for the FREE plans below to make it even easier! Materials to Make 1 Nightstand (2) 3/4″ 2’x4′ sanded plywood panels* (4) furniture legs* (1) piece of fluted molding* (2) pieces of decorative molding* iron-on edge banding* small hinges* pocket hole jig* pocket hole screws* brad nailer* circular saw* or table saw miter saw jigsaw* drill* sander* primer/paint* wood glue* paint sprayer* (2) small dollhouse windows (2) large dollhouse windows (1) arched dollhouse window (1) dollhouse door For whatever reason, it’s currently cheaper and easier to purchase (2) 2’x4′ plywood…
How to Make Big Money Decluttering Your Home
Between selling our old house and moving into our new house, I’ve sold a lot of household items, furniture, kids clothing and other random paraphernalia through online marketplaces. At the highest point, I made over $1000 in 6 months. All without leaving my house! These are my tried-and-true tips to selling online through Facebook Marketplace and local buy/sell groups.
Easy Pinstripe Accent Wall for Boys Room
Create a fun and easy pinstripe accent wall for any room in your house! No nails required and it can be DIYed in less than a day. *I’m so excited to partner with Titebond to share another fun, attainable DIY project! All opinions on their products are 100% my own.* Materials for Accent Wall Before you can build it, you have to buy what you need! Some links are affiliate links, so I’ll receive a small commission without increasing the cost for you! pine screen molding wood stain Titebond Fast Set Construction Adhesive* caulk gun painter’s or masking tape level (2′ or 4′) putty knife miter saw tape measure You’ll…
Creating a Calm and Cozy Family Room
Whether you just moved into a new house or you’re tired of the same old, same old in a house you’ve lived in a while, here are some ideas to create a calm and cozy family room or living room. Or den as we call them in the south. We are taking on a family room makeover for Today’s Homeowner for Judy, a single mom of 3 boys. They spend a lot of time together in this room so we want it to be a place they can really relax, enjoy and unwind.
The Best Way to Remove Wallpaper
I tested out 3 different ways to remove wallpaper so you don’t have to! Watch to find out my tried-and-true formula that works the best! Technique #1: Remove Wallpaper with Steam steamer* 6″ drywall knife I’m obsessed with the power of steam! It can clean the dirtiest things with just water! I’ve used this steam cleaner to steam a lot of things, so I thought I’d give it a go on the wallpaper. They do make steamers specifically for wallpaper. But since I’m not going to be removing wallpaper for a living. Or probably ever again after this room, I wanted to use what I had on hand. Unfortunately the…