Indoor Projects

How To Update Your Master Bedroom Now

Easy Ways to Refresh Your Bedroom During Quarantine

Using things you already have around the house, quickly update your master bedroom to bring calm and peace during this uncertain time.
Queen-Sized Wooden Campaign Headboard in Simple Master Bedroom

I started working on ‘refreshing’ our master bedroom back in April of last year when we were in the middle of adding a master bathroom onto our house. Because there was some drywall work that needed to be painted on the bedroom side anyway, I thought, “Let’s just go ahead and paint the whole darn thing.” Which lead to changing out our bed, bedding, and simplifying our decor too!

Bedroom Wall Where Bathroom Will Go

How does this apply to you? It’s so comforting to end each day during this stressful and weird time of social isolation and distancing by walking into a clean and calm bedroom. And I want the same for you!

So here are a few tips to achieve that without spending a lot of money and ordering online when you do need something!

Paint an Accent Wall

Since we were eliminating a window with the new bathroom addition, I knew I wanted to keep the paint light in our bedroom to maximize the brightness from the one remaining window. But I didn’t want it to be boring! So enter the dark green accent wall!

Eucalyptus Wreath Green Bedroom Accent Wall

We used Eucalyptus Wreath by Behr.* But if you have a half gallon of paint leftover from another room or project, use it to create a statement wall in your bedroom!

It adds a little depth and fun to any room!

Paint Accessories

Don’t forget about the power of paint when it comes to accessories around the bedroom too! Have a pair of mismatched lamps? Use spray paint to quickly update them and make them match each other a little more!

You can also spray paint lamps if you like their shape but don’t love the color anymore.

I’ve been known to spray paint photo frames, mirror frames, or other wall decor to make it work better too. My current favorite spray paint is Rust-Oleum’s Satin Bronze*. Makes anything look more modern with that warm brass trend.

Change Out Bedding

I’ve learned SO MUCH about design, decorating, and home improving since I bought my house 9 years ago! And one of the smaller things I’ve learned is to order a size up in duvet covers!

We have a queen-sized bed, so we had a queen-sized duvet cover. The problem is that it barely covered our 10″ mattress. The bed had to be made just right in order to cover it on both sides. And ain’t nobody got time for that!

So we upgraded to a king-sized duvet cover* and duvet insert*.

Queen Size Bed in Small Master Bedroom

While duvets and their inserts are pretty standard in sizing, the sizing in comforters is all over the map! So check the dimensions when ordering a comforter to make sure it’s long enough for your bed.

A budget-friendly tip is to sell your old bedding on Facebook Marketplace to recoup some of the cost of your new bedding! My trick is to list it at an ‘impulse price’. So if someone isn’t necessarily looking for your particular item but they like it and it’s cheap, they will impulsively buy it for the bargain. Because that’s how I buy things on Facebook.๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Cozy Pillows

In addition to making our duvet work better for us, we also changed out the decorative pillows on top. This is an easy and inexpensive way to change up your bedroom or living room any time of year!

Queen-Sized Wooden Campaign Headboard in Simple Master Bedroom

I had 24×24 inch pillow inserts in a closet for a while. So I hunted down some fabric online that fit the style and colors I wanted. And fortunately for me, my sister was gracious enough to make beautiful pillow covers for me.๐Ÿ˜ She even took the time to match up the fabric between the front and back pieces. Now that’s love!!

If you don’t have a talented sister with more free time than you๐Ÿ˜†, my friend Sheena from Bean in Love makes pillow covers in her Etsy shop! She can do custom orders too!

The pink pillow was a 2-pack from TJ Maxx for $24.99. Its twin is in our living room right now.

Simplify Decor

We left our dressers in our room while the addition was being built, but we removed everything from the tops to keep them from getting construction dust all over. And seeing the dressers decluttered and clear made me happy! So when it was time to put our room back together, a lot was left out.

Now, I love family photos and having a variety of photos from several years back all the way up to last month’s photos. (Which is what we had before on both of our dressers!) BUT I was itching for a change and really, really loved the simpler look of less.

White Master Bedroom Wall Looking Into Bathroom

So, if you’re stuck at home over the next week or two or three. Set aside an hour to remove all of the decor from your room, including wall hangings. Only put back what you LOVE. If you don’t love it or it’s just so-so to you, leave it out! Don’t put something back just because it’s always been there.

Calm and Cozy Simple Master Bedroom Refresh

Also think of other things around your house that would look good in your bedroom. Borrow from around your house to make your bedroom the best it can be. You can always ‘fix’ the other rooms later!

I used the pink cross canvas I made for Mary Helen’s nursery for my bedside table.ย And the framed leaf prints on the accent wall were leftover from a Today’s Homeowner project. The green of the leaves happened to match our green wall perfectly.

On the wall opposite our bed, I hung this DIY bunting I made for the photo booth at our wedding. I love it and can’t imagine getting rid of it. So I taped it on the wall to see if I would like it.

Wedding Bunting Used as Bedroom Decor

I think I’ll raise it and hang some other related things like a picture of us on our wedding day and a watercolor print of my wedding bouquet. I’ve got plenty of time to figure it out! Ha!

Other Things We Changed

  • Another impetus to some of these changes was this campaign-style headboard I built a few years ago. I built it because I wanted to show you all how to do the same. But I didn’t need it at the time. ย We decided to sell our old IKEA bed (which just wasn’t my style anymore) and put this wood one into use!We used some of the profit from selling the old headboard and frame to purchase a new bed frame to work with the wood headboard.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Easy DIY Headboard Video Tutorial

  • Added trim around the remaining window. Since 2015, I’ve been slowly adding this same trim around all of the windows in our house as I updated rooms. This was the second to last one! Our dining room window was the caboose. Choo! Choo!๐Ÿš‚
  • Changed the trim color. This is something I’ve also slowly been doing as I’ve been updating rooms. I originally painted the trim a white with gray undertones. And as I’ve been painting more and more walls in our house white, it’s really made the trim look more gray. Blah! So as I update each room in our house, I’m also painting the trim with a fresher, creamier white color. Even if you like your trim color, you could paint a fresh coat on all of the trim in your bedroom since you probably already have the paint!


Green wall-Eucalyptus Wreath by Behr*

White walls-Cloud White by Ben Moore in Behr paint

Trim-Simply White by Ben Moore in Behr paint

Leaf prints*

Gold frame*

Gold vase*

Blue/Green diamond fabric

Headboard tutorial

Bathroom addition

Lamps were a birthday gift from Marshall’s

Curtains and sheets were wedding gifts from Bed, Bath, and Beyond

Now whip that bedroom into quarantine shape! You’ll enjoy the benefits far beyond this stay-at-home-all-day-everyday period!

Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

*This post contains affiliate links. I will earn a small commission from your purchase without increasing the price for you!*


  • Lynn Franco

    Easy way to refresh your bedroom really inspired me! As I’m reading your post, I’m mentally going over the changes I would like to see in my bedroom. The idea of an accent wall and the paints you used are vey helpful. When done will send you a before and after photos.

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