Painting Small Spaces White
When I was originally selecting paint colors for my house, I was a novice homeowner and really had no idea what I was doing. (Well, who’s to say I know what I’m doing now! But at least I feel more confident in choosing paint colors.) Back then my dad was remodeling a house and one of the rooms was painted the golden yellow I used in my dining and living rooms as well as the hallway. I didn’t necessarily like it but it was easier to write down the color’s name and have a few gallons mixed up than pick one from the hundreds of swatches in the paint aisle.
After painting my living room walls white and more recently painting the walls in my dining room, it was time to paint my ‘hallway’.
And after doing so, I thought it was a good lesson in how painting a small space with a light color can really brighten up the entire room.
Since this room doesn’t have any of its own windows it can be pretty dark. Of course, it’s just a hallway so you’re normally just passing through. But, in my opinion, that doesn’t mean it can’t still be pretty and welcoming!
I used the paint leftover from the living room to coat these walls. (Simply White by Benjamin Moore color-matched in Behr paint.) And, I kid you not, it took me close to 3 months to paint the smallest room in my house.? Having 2 kids under 2 years and working full time is no joke! (But I love this crazy, beautiful life!☺️)
Once the paint was finally dry, I put together a fun configuration of frames to hang some calendar art and other floral printables.
I thought it’d be a fun way to bring some color into the area so it wouldn’t be too drab! I started by hanging the middle frame (from Jo-Ann) centered on the largest wall. Then I worked my way out and around until all frames were hung. It took a lot of precise measurements to get all of the frames to hang flush with each other.
My normal go-to method for hanging pictures is to use small wire nails. However, these are lovely plaster walls. (<--That right there is passive aggressive for "I don't really like you, plaster walls!") BUT I found something that worked every time for hanging every one of these frames. I used black carpet tacks, found in the hardware aisle at the home center in the same style of packaging as my wire nails.
I think it works because the width of the tack slowly gets wider, so it’s able to ease it’s way into the plaster. Whereas a normal nail is the same width up and down and causes the plaster to bubble and creates a crater.
On the opposite side of the hallway, I kept it simple since the gallery wall is a little busy. I hung a mirror that used to hang in the dining room and a canvas print of my babies that my sisters gave me for my birthday!?
The white walls are now able to reflect any amount of light they get from the adjoining rooms and multiply it. It is glorious and happy!
And that makes me happy! If you have a small hallway, dark bathroom or closet, consider painting them white to pump up the amount of light! Let me know in the comments if you’ve painted any rooms in your house white or if you’ve ever wanted to! I love to hear from you!
Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

White sounds so boring, but you’ve made it lovely here. Great tip to brighten a space that usually gets zero attention!
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Thanks, Stephanie! The hallway is such a utilitarian space, but doesn’t mean it can’t be fun too! ~Chelsea
I have no windows in my bathrooms (both which are small) and have been considering painted them white. Love your blog and show!
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
I don’t think you’ll regret it! You can add lots of color with a fun shower curtain! ~Chelsea