Hanging Herb Garden How To
Our back deck is right outside of our kitchen and sunroom. So it’s a great place to keep plants and herbs we use when cooking. You may remember last year I created a centerpiece with some small pots and fresh herbs.
This year, though, I thought I’d mix it up a bit. So that’s just what I did by creating hanging herb gardens!
It’s such a fun way to incorporate useful plants like herbs without them taking up space in your yard or on your deck. More room for other container plants and flowers!?
First things first-gather up your favorite herbs, hanging baskets from Southern Patio and some shepherd’s hooks.
The baskets I’m using have a self-watering tray built-in.
With hanging planters, water evaporates more easily from the soil since all sides of the planter are exposed to the air. But this tray helps keep the plants adequately watered so you don’t have to fret about watering your herbs all the time!
Of course the beautiful, simulated woven texture is a great addition to either side of my deck steps!
**This post is sponsored by Southern Patio. However, all favorable opinions are 100% my own and I only work with brands I believe in!
I placed the shepherd’s hooks on the outside of my handrails, making sure the base of the hook was flush with the ground, not just the grass. After planting my dill, parsley, basil, and cilantro, I quickly hung the baskets! If the hook isn’t as far into the ground as it can go, it’ll lean pretty far forward once you add the baskets.
The baskets hang at the perfect height to be able to walk out the back door and clip the herbs we need for dinner from the stairs without stepping into the yard!
So there you have it, a quick, pretty, and smell-good project to add to your yard this season! Now…what’s for dinner?!
Share in the comments where you grow your herbs and which are your favorites!
Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea