Installing a New Kitchen Faucet
While I’m still narrowing down exactly what I’m going to do for the laundry room project, I decided to do something at my own house that’s been on my list for over a year.
I spent the better part of my day yesterday installing a new faucet at our kitchen sink. Under normal circumstances, this project would not take this long. So don’t let that turn you off from installing your own kitchen faucet! (I watched this video in preparation for this task.)
Without getting into too many details, my sink cabinet was actually a wall cabinet, so it had a top. The installers cut a hole in the top just big enough to hook up the garbage disposal and drain, but not enough room to change out the faucet. So I had to remove my garbage disposal and get out the reciprocating saw to gain enough access to the underside of the faucet. Of course I also hit a bump or 2 removing the old faucet, making the day even longer.
And then there’s the tiny workspace I had to fit into. Minus all of the junky cleaning supplies, obviously. (Maybe I should cook up a way to organize that mess and share with you all!)
Now if you’ve followed my story for long, you know that I did a total renovation of the kitchen not that long ago in 2012. Which means my faucet was not old and was still in working condition. I’m usually not one to replace something that’s not broken. Well…
This new faucet is from Moen’s MotionSense line. It’s motion activated. So when I’m cooking with chicken, I don’t have to touch the handle in order to wash my hands. It also makes it super convenient to fill up my glass or a pot when my hands are full of baby. And that brings me to the real reason I installed this faucet at this point in time…
Mary Helen is going to be a big sister!!
And if I think my hands are full now, I know they’ll be overfilled come January 2017! But along with full hands comes a full heart and Brandon and I can’t wait to grow our family!
I don’t have any plans to do a nursery at this point, so don’t worry if that’s not your cup of tea! 🙂 I will, though, be working full-throttle on the laundry room over at my coworker’s house. So please stay tuned!
Thanks for Checking In! ~ Chelsea

Sadie Rose
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Thanks, Sadie!
Lulu kaliher
Nannette Aderholdt
Why would someone with a small child store cleaning supplies under the Kitchen sink??? We move ours before our first was born. Maybe your next project is a high cabinet for cleaning supplies.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
I appreciate your concern, Nannette. But we do have childproofing in place on those cabinets and in the bathroom. She hasn’t gotten in there, so I think we’re ok. ~ Chelsea
Congratulations! How wonderful to have another addition to the family. I’m sure Mary Helen will be a great big sister. Seems like you got it going well Chelsea, that’s wonderful. I’m sure your Mom and Dad are thrilled to know they can spoil another little one, as your husbands parents will feel the same also. God bless you all! Helen Seymour…..A grandmother also…that loves the did stuff you do…..along with your dads show. ???(
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Thanks for checking in, Helen! I appreciate you taking the time to comment and wish us congratulations! ~Chelsea