
Cherry-Picked: Gifts for Neighbor, Hostess, Teacher

Quick Gifts for a Hostess, Neighbor, or Teacher

Teacher Hostess Neighbor Gift Ideas Under $10!

Handheld Frother

I shared my love for this $12 frother* in my Insta stories (click here to watch that highlight). But I thought I’d also share it here as a quick and easy gift idea! Pair it with a small bag of Christmas coffee and voila!

I use mine to froth my coffee creamer before adding hot coffee to get that latte feel at home!

Homemade Bread

I use this recipe from Brooke at Nesting with Grace to make bread without a machine or kneading! It takes a little planning since you have to let the bread rise for 8-24 hours. (Mix one night and bake the next!) But once it’s done…oh my goodness is it delicious! I keep these inexpensive hand towels from IKEA* in our ‘gift closet’ so I can wrap up a loaf of bread and bring to a neighbor or a family with a new baby!

I also used the same hand towels to make handprint wreaths to gift to grandparents last year! And of course, I made one for myself too! (I used fabric paint like this one*! Once it dries it’s safe to wash in the washing machine!)

Handprint Wreath Hand Towel Kid Christmas Project

Crystal Rainbow Makers

These crystals are a fun mood-lifter* for anyone of any age! They come with fishing line to hang them up. You can hang them from a small cup hook above your window or just on the window lock itself to cast fun, happy rainbows year-round!

They even come in their own little gift box, so wrapping is easy too!šŸ™ŒšŸ»

I would love if you tagged me on social media or commented here and let me know if you use these ideas! I love giving gifts, but sometimes you just need a little help coming up with ideas. So I hope this helps make your Christmas season a little easier and more joy-full!

Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

*This post may contain affiliate links*


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