Cherry-Picked: AcuRite Rain Gauge
My Favorite Wireless Rain Gauge?
You might laugh when I say I am not a weather nerd. Yet here I am confessing my love for a rain gauge!* But it’s all because what I am a total nerd about is my yard. And everyone knows that you need water to make your grass and plants grow.
I’ve always had some kind of rain gauge. Until now it was always one of those plastic tubes that can hold about 5 inches at a time. I’d check it after a storm, dump it out, and loosely keep track of how much rain we’d get throughout the week. My goal is an inch a week to keep our grass healthy!
So if you’re a nerd about watering your grass too, here’s why I love this one from AcuRite*.
That’s right. You never have to empty your rain gauge again! You attach the outside component where it can collect rain without influence from water coming off your roof. I put ours on the top of the 4×4 post on our little half fence between our deck and driveway.
It has a mechanism inside that measures the rain as it drips through. Then it sends that information, in real time, to the monitor nearby inside.
Easy to Read
Another thing I love is you don’t have to figure out which line the rain is at like on the classic rain gauges. It gives you a clear read out as the rain is happening.
This rain gauge keeps a history of how much rain has happened. There is an ‘event’ history which is how much rain in a 6 hour period. Then there’s a 7-day history total and 2 re-settable totals like a car’s trip odometer. There are different buttons on the monitor that make it clear and easy to toggle between all of the options.
Lastly, there are 2 types of alarms that you can turn on or off. They aren’t something that particularly apply to my circumstances, but they’re worth mentioning in case they apply to you! The flood watch alarm alerts you if there are conditions that could lead to flooding, aka a lot of rain fast. Perfect if you have a basement that floods easily and you need to take precautions when it rains hard.
There’s also the rainfall alarm. It’ll sound when it starts to rain, no matter if it’s light or hard rainfall. The only scenario where I can see this being semi-useful is if you have clothes drying outside and you need to know when it starts raining to bring them inside.
Raise your hand if you’ve got a rain gauge, of any caliber! If you’re a yard nerd like me, let me know in the comments how you keep up with the water demands! Or let me know if you have this rain gauge too. Us rain gauge lovers have to stick together!
Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea
*This post may contain affiliate links*

Barbi K.
Been thinking of getting a new rain gauge , I will have to check this one out. Thanks!
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
I never quite know if people are interested in something I post, so I’m glad to see it resonated with at least one person! Thanks Barbi! I think you’ll like it. ~Chelsea
Sally D
I have to check this out too. Mine is one of those other ones you wrote about, and it’s on the mailbox post. Nothing I can really read from the house. Thanks.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
I really enjoy being able to check after every rain storm! Or even while the storm is still happening! ~Chelsea
I love having a rain gauge! I’m going to check into this one. Then I won’t have to tip toe thru the wet grass to see how much rain we received!
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hehe, been there done that, Shirley! ~Chelsea
Do you have any info on how the winter freeze affects the outside unit?
I think I’d like to have one if it can withstand the winter temperatures.
Thanks Chelsea!
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Great question, Dee! I’m not well-versed in what to do in winter situations, but I would think you would want to bring it in so snow and ice doesn’t fall in. It attaches with only 2 small screws, so it’d be easy to do so! ~Chelsea
Leon Ogroske
Great information with pictures! Thanks.
I think I’ll put this gauge on my birthday, Christmas, Father’s Day wish list.
May I suggest a review of electronic thermometers? I have mercury or mercury-like and spring thermometers , and none seem to agree with each other… so frustrating.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
That is frustrating, Leon! That might be a fun project to review them! Thanks for the idea. ~Chelsea
Thanks Chelsea, I know what my birthday present to me next month will be. I am a big rain guage nerd. I have 3. So this will be great!
Do you have to bring it in during winter? Iowa here so cold can be -30 on wind chill.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
I can’t even imagine temps that cold! True southern gal over here! Ha! I’d suggest bringing it in when you ‘winterize’ your outdoor areas. It attaches with 2 small screws, so it’s easy to take on and off! ~Chelsea
I can’t believe there is another rain gauge nerd!!! Rain is so important to our lives and to the things we love to grow.
I’m going yo check this out.
Thanks Chelsea
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Love me some rain! At least when I’m inside my house and don’t have to go anywhere. 🙂 ~Chelsea
Cindy D.
Thanks Chelsea for suggesting this higher tech (and more accurate) way to measure rain! I just ordered it and looking forward to replacing the tube rain gauge in the back yard.
We use a rain barrel to capture water to help with plant watering. Could you possibly do a column on that subject?
We very much enjoy your blog, website and the tv show with your father – we always learn something new!
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Aww thanks for sharing, Cindy! I’ve been wanting a rain barrel at my house for several years but can’t make up my mind where I want to put it. When I do, I’ll write a post about it! Thanks for following along! ~Chelsea
P. Carlson
Thanks for the idea! I know my mom would really enjoy a rain gauge she does not have to empty..she’s 93! She keeps track of rainfall the old fashioned way, in a notebook. I’m sure the alarms will be very helpful for her also.
Thanks again. Love your blog and show!!
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Thanks! I think she’ll like it! 🙂 ~Chelsea
Kim P
Thanks Chelsea for the suggestion. My hubby has been wanting to get a rain gauge and his Birthday is coming up. Now I know what I will be getting him.
I’m a weather geek so I loved the post. I want to build a weather STATION, just need some encouragement. This Doctor has laid out the complete plans including hardware and apps. Does anyone want to try it with me?
I know him from reputation in the IT world and have heard him speak on several occasions. He is one smart cookie and a great documenter.
Erica Griswold
I’m going to check out this rain guage for i too have been thru many of the plastic cup kind.