How to Adjust and Replace Sprinkler Heads
Repairing sprinklers in your yard can be an easy project you can do yourself in just a few minutes! Watch this video to see the steps to tackle to adjust or replace residential sprinkler heads. What I Used sprinkler head key* rotary sprinkler* pop-up adjustable spray nozzle* WiFi Sprinkler Controller* (6 zones) Adjust Rotary Sprinkler Pattern A nice continuity I’ve discovered about sprinklers is all brands adjust mostly in the same manner. For a rotary sprinkler, that you’re likely to have for lawn areas, you’ll want to first adjust the fixed right side. Then adjust how far to the left it rotates with the sprinkler head key.
How to Clean Up Your Yard for Summer Now!
Yard Work You Can Do During Quarantine Get your edging, pruning, weeding and mulching done now before the growing season makes it harder to maintain. After a long winter of not doing much in my yard (I’m so unmotivated in cold weather!), I’m bursting at the seams to get out in the yard to groom and trim and make her look her best when the weather warms up! And that’s especially true since I’m spending all day every day at home during the coronavirus lockdown!
Curb Appeal Update 2018
How Our Yard is Looking One Year After Updates About a year ago I shared how to make vinyl shutters look brand new. It was supposed to be a series of ‘curb appeal’ posts about small things we did in our front yard. But best laid plans…? Old Plants One of those small things was updating the plants in the front beds. We originally planted gardenias there. And slowly over the 6 years they were there, they lost their leaves and didn’t look very healthy. After treating them for bugs and fertilizing them, I did a little research and learned that afternoon sun is basically just bad for gardenias. Hmm..that’s…
Cherry-Picked: AcuRite Rain Gauge
My Favorite Wireless Rain Gauge? You might laugh when I say I am not a weather nerd. Yet here I am confessing my love for a rain gauge!* But it’s all because what I am a total nerd about is my yard. And everyone knows that you need water to make your grass and plants grow. I’ve always had some kind of rain gauge. Until now it was always one of those plastic tubes that can hold about 5 inches at a time. I’d check it after a storm, dump it out, and loosely keep track of how much rain we’d get throughout the week. My goal is an inch a…
How To Help Your Grass Grow This Summer
I get asked a lot how my grass is so green and looks so good. I always tells them it’s because we mow once a week. (OK, by ‘we’ I really mean my husband!) Not something most people want to hear because who has time to mow every week?! But, honestly, it makes a difference. I was lucky in that while renovating my house (back in 2012), we also tore out A BUNCH of overgrown bushes and started fresh with the landscaping, including brand new sod. And ever since then it’s been mowed once a week. The reason it works is you’re only cutting 1/3 of the grass blade at…
Cleaning Up Yard for Winter
Being pregnant has lots of perks. People holding doors open for you and offering to do your heavy-lifting, etc. But one thing I’m not digging (pardon the pun…) is not being able to be out in my yard during the high heat of summer. Here in Mobile, most days during the months of July, August, September and half of October get into the 90s with humidity at 85%+ giving a heat index of over 100!! It’s no joke to be playing outside in the middle of the day. So I had to turn a blind eye to the mess my yard was becoming. It was painful since I’d worked so…
Lawn Mower Storage Caddy
How to Build DIY Storage for Lawn Mower It’s July and grass is in full-on grow and mow mode. And with that comes a big ole lawn mower taking up space in your garage or shed. For most models, about the only way you can consolidate space is by folding the handles over. But I came up with this, um, unique way to store a traditional push mower. I call it a lawn mower caddy. It has a small ramp to help you get the lawn mower up on the platform. And with the lawn mower up off the floor you now have space underneath the mower to store other…
Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
It's finally cooled off enough to get outside and spruce up a neglected flower bed out in my yard! New flowers made all the difference.
Newspaper Method for Preparing Soil for Planting Beds in Spring
Step-by-step of preparing beds for planting using the newspaper method in your yard or lawn.