How I Kill Weeds Without Chemicals
Kill Weeds with Items You Already Have
Using household items you already have around your home, you can easily kill weeds in sidewalks, driveways or flower beds.
Hot Water
Depending on how many weeds you have to kill and their location in your yard, you can use hot water to kill them! Boil a pot of water and pour directly on any weeds and it will burn them dead.
Hot water will also kill any desirable grass or plants, so only use this trick for weeds in your driveway, sidewalk or mulch.
This post is in partnership with Exmark! You can watch these tips in my latest video at
Newspaper and Mulch
To prevent weeds from popping up in the first place, you can spread newspaper or cardboard around your bushes and shrubs.
Then simply cover up the paper with your favorite mulch or pine straw. It will smother any existing weeds and keep new weeds from growing roots.
Vinegar and Dish Soap
Lastly, you can use full-strength white vinegar in a spray bottle. Add a dash of dish soap. The soap helps the vinegar stick to the leaves of the weeds to give it time to burn the weeds.
It’s best to spray weeds with this method first thing in the morning so the sun has a full day to aid the vinegar in its magic.
And just like with hot water, it will kill what it comes into contact with. So you can spray broadleaf weeds in the yard, but be careful to spray directly on the weed itself.
Gah, I love working out in my yard, but I hate weeds! I hope these tips help keep your yard looking fresh this summer.😎
Thanks again to Exmark for sponsoring this post! Go watch these tips in my latest video at Exmark’s Backyard Life.
Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

Pam Stephens
Enjoy your new house! Use certainly need more room with your
growing family. I enjoy watching you on tv and your monthly
news letter. I just can imagine your mind going a mile a minute
thinking about all the projects you will want to do. God Bless.
Carol Williams
Here’s to healthy happy new memories in your new home.
Congrats & God Bless.
Jean Major
I have these pretty little white flowers that come up each summer, but I do not want them, the problem is that they come in unwanted areas,I was wondering how I can kill them without killing the other plants. I don’t want to use a chemical, so you came with my solution just in time, thank you. Now, I have two gardena trees, the leaves have turned yellow, save me, save my crying gardena.
Peggy Burnette
We use table salt, vinegar and dishsoap, works great on our patio . Congrats on your new home,
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Nice!🙌🏻 ~Chelsea