Cherry-Picked: Rug Grippers!
How to Eliminate a Common Frustration with Rugs If your rug or welcome mat slips and slides every time it’s used, here’s the inexpensive fix I’ve been using for months! No more frustration at the rug moving around. Before We have 2 problem rugs in our house and they are both in the kitchen/sunroom where we have tile floors. The runner in the kitchen irks me when it’s not straight. But it’s also a slight slip risk. The simple entry rug we have inside our back door is very slippery even when you’re being careful. I’ve tried numerous things to keep them from sliding around.
Cherry-Picked: Gifts for Neighbor, Hostess, Teacher
Quick Gifts for a Hostess, Neighbor, or Teacher Handheld Frother I shared my love for this $12 frother* in my Insta stories (click here to watch that highlight). But I thought I’d also share it here as a quick and easy gift idea! Pair it with a small bag of Christmas coffee and voila!
Cherry-Picked: Phone Wallet
How I Simplified with A Stick-On Wallet Yes, a credit card wallet attached to my phone has made my life simpler and I’ll tell you why! What Is It? All it is is a silicone sleeve that attaches to the back of your phone or phone case with adhesive. It’s large enough for 2 credit cards, or, as in my case, 1 credit card and a driver’s license. But also snug enough that your cards won’t fall out!
Cherry-Picked: Happier Podcast
A Podcast That Will Make You Happier I’ve forever been obsessed with getting to know myself better. I never meet a personality quiz I didn’t immediately answer. I think it’s because if you know yourself better, you can be the best version of yourself. And being you is the best way I know to be happy! OK, this is a slight change from my usual posts about DIYing, but bare with me. Since it’s the beginning of the year and a lot of people are trying to improve and set goals in different areas of life, I thought I would share my favorite podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin.
Cherry-Picked: AcuRite Rain Gauge
My Favorite Wireless Rain Gauge? You might laugh when I say I am not a weather nerd. Yet here I am confessing my love for a rain gauge!* But it’s all because what I am a total nerd about is my yard. And everyone knows that you need water to make your grass and plants grow. I’ve always had some kind of rain gauge. Until now it was always one of those plastic tubes that can hold about 5 inches at a time. I’d check it after a storm, dump it out, and loosely keep track of how much rain we’d get throughout the week. My goal is an inch a…
Cherry-Picked: Honey for Amazon
How I Save Money on Amazon Raise your hand if you’ve ever bought something on Amazon? Or, if you’re like me, it’s something at least once a month…? If so, then you need my latest cherry-pick! The best part? It doesn’t cost you a penny! It only helps you SAVE money! Hello, Honey!
Cherry-Picked: Dr. Bronner’s 18-in-1 Castile Soap
Helllooooo!!! It’s been a while since I’ve been able to post on here. And I’ll show some projects I’ve been working on during my hiatus in some coming posts. But for now, I’m here to introduce a new series I’ve been wanting to do for some time. It’s called “Cherry-Picked by Chelsea” and I’ll be sharing products, whatchamacallits and maybe even a podcast or two that I’m currently loving. They won’t always be DIY or home related, but it will always be 100% things I actually own, use, and love! Drumroll, please. My first cherry-pick is Dr. Bronner’s Liquid Castile Soap. I’ve been working over the past 9+ months to declutter,…