Craft Projects

Geaux Saints DIY Wreath

Growing up in southern Alabama, fall was always about college football. So I never grew up with a pro football team affiliation. And even now that I’m married to an Indiana boy, he’s more about his Fighting Irish than following the Indianapolis Colts. Though I know he still watches some and keeps up with them.

So when a local news talent, Chad Petri, asked me to share some tips on making wreaths back in September, I thought I’d go with neutral territory and make a wreath for the New Orleans Saints. (Our closest NFL team.)

I’m not saying this wreath has magical powers, but I will say the Saints didn’t win a game this season until after I hung it on my friend’s front door.

Completed Geaux Saints Wreath

Take from that what you will…and then follow these easy DIY steps to create your own wreath for your favorite sports team!

Black and Gold Materials Used to Create Door Wreath

When I started, I wasn’t exactly sure how I wanted the wreath to come together, so I bought a bunch of stuff in black and gold. I also used some scrap plywood and my favorite transfer technique to trace and cut a fleur-de-lis before I painted it with gold craft paint.

The first thing I did was take my gold ribbon and wrap it tightly around the straw wreath form, using a little hot glue every now and then to hold it in place.

Wrapping Ribbon Around Straw Wreath

Then after adding a little black craft paint around the edges of my fleur-de-lis to better match the Saints logo, I glued it in place with hot glue before working on an little ‘accent’ with some striped ribbon.

Fleur-De-Lis and First Accent Ribbon in Place

I just took short pieces of the ribbon, bent them to a ‘ribbon’ shape, and glued them in place on the bottom left of the wreath. Adding a few here and there until it felt like enough.

Lastly I thought the whole wreath needed a little more, so I glued the garland I found at Party City to the back of the fleur-de-lis. Not over-the-top, but so just enough was sticking out from behind, all the way around.

Details of Ribbon on DIY Door Wreath

The friend I mentioned at the beginning of my post is from New Orleans and loves the Saints. So while she and her new husband were away on their honeymoon, I hung their new wreath up as a welcome home gift!

Completed Geaux Saints Wreath

A nice little surprise when they pulled in the drive. Geaux Saints!

Saints Wreath Hanging on Front Door

What teams are you cheering for this season? Tackled any DIY wreaths of your own lately? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below! Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

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