
Chelsea’s Choice: Clean Hands Club

**This giveaway has ended. Scroll down to see the winner and click over to my giveaway tab to see my current giveaway!

I’m giving away everything but the kitchen sink. Ok, not really. But one (1) winner will receive this stainless steel Etch faucet from Moen!

It has an integrated pull-down sprayer that locks right back into place when you’re done. And you don’t have to worry about fingerprints or water spots with the Spot Resist stainless finish.

I may not have seen your house before, but I can almost guarantee this faucet would look great in it! Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter!

And don’t forget to Check In and watch this month’s webisode of my new web series! You can find it here!

stainless steel kitchen faucet from omen

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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