Replace an Interior Door Yourself
We are slowly replacing the interior doors in our home for solid core ones with more style. Here’s how easy it is to do yourself. What I Used Affiliate links below will earn me a small commission without increasing the cost for you! hinge marker* chisels* hole saw* drill* hinge mortise template* mini router* door latch jig* hinges* doorknob* solid door* toolbelt* There are several different ways to go about mortising a hinge for a new interior door. Watch my video above to determine which method you want to use before buying what you’ll need! Mortising is just making a small cut so that the hinge is recessed into the…
Waterproofing Vertical Masonry Wall
Moisture can wreck havoc on painted bricks. But applying a simple masonry waterproofer prior to painting can eliminate that headache!
Stripping Paint from Bricks
It’s hard to stop peeling paint! But you can eliminate paint all together. Here’s how I stripped the peeling paint from our brick steps and then sealed them to prevent slipping.
How to Adjust and Replace Sprinkler Heads
Repairing sprinklers in your yard can be an easy project you can do yourself in just a few minutes! Watch this video to see the steps to tackle to adjust or replace residential sprinkler heads. What I Used sprinkler head key* rotary sprinkler* pop-up adjustable spray nozzle* WiFi Sprinkler Controller* (6 zones) Adjust Rotary Sprinkler Pattern A nice continuity I’ve discovered about sprinklers is all brands adjust mostly in the same manner. For a rotary sprinkler, that you’re likely to have for lawn areas, you’ll want to first adjust the fixed right side. Then adjust how far to the left it rotates with the sprinkler head key.
Chip Fix Review Update
How Our Bathroom Sink Repair is Holding Up I posted a few months ago that I was testing out Homax’s Porcelain Chip Fix on our bathroom sink. We had 3 very small chips that you can’t hardly capture on camera, but they were more obvious in real life. I applied it twice since the first time I didn’t wait very long to use the sink and it was washed away. The second time around, though, we waited 4 days to use it and about 2 weeks to clean it. That’s over and beyond what the directions call for.
Does Homax Porcelain Chip Fix Work?
My Review of Homax’s Porcelain Chip Fix in a Sink In short, it didn’t work for me the first time. But I always like to give the benefit of the doubt, so I applied it a second time a few weeks later. (Results are pending for my second trial run. This review reflects the initial application.) Maybe I did it wrong? Or possibly I cleaned it too aggressively after it cured? I don’t know but here’s how it all went down.
Easy, Fast, and Cheap Extension Cord Repair
How to Repair an Extension Cord Yourself It costs less than $4 to repair an extension cord if it’s accidentally cut during use! And it doesn’t require any special tools or skills. Replacement part If the damage on your cord is nearest the female end, like mine, the part is readily available in the electrical aisle. The one I got was $3.29. (The male end replacement part is even cheaper!) Prepare Cord Obviously, make sure the cord isn’t plugged in first. Then cut through the cord right past the damaged area.
Replacing Hardwood Floor Boards
How To Patch a Hole and Replace Boards in Your Hardwood Floor Can I please stress to you that replacing a few boards of flooring, whether vinyl planks or tongue and groove hardwood, is NOT hard?! Sure it may be a little inconvenient and looks worse before it looks better, but it can be done! And of course I’m here to show you how!
Stripping Sealer from Concrete
The rug I painted on my garage floor is still going strong! (If you haven’t watched the how-to video yet, what are you waiting on?) But one thing I left out of the video was how I messed up the first time I applied the sealer to the floor. The mistake I made was a total rookie move. I simply applied it too thick. You would think, oh let me coat it really good so I don’t miss any spots. But what happens is that it doesn’t cure, or dry, very well. And it ends up tacky and streaky. Exhibit A: