How to Clean Up Your Yard for Summer Now!
Yard Work You Can Do During Quarantine Get your edging, pruning, weeding and mulching done now before the growing season makes it harder to maintain. After a long winter of not doing much in my yard (I’m so unmotivated in cold weather!), I’m bursting at the seams to get out in the yard to groom and trim and make her look her best when the weather warms up! And that’s especially true since I’m spending all day every day at home during the coronavirus lockdown!
Hanging Herb Garden How To
Our back deck is right outside of our kitchen and sunroom. So it’s a great place to keep plants and herbs we use when cooking. You may remember last year I created a centerpiece with some small pots and fresh herbs. This year, though, I thought I’d mix it up a bit. So that’s just what I did by creating hanging herb gardens!
Summertime Flower Power
When I was a little kid, I loved looking through the circular from Big Lots and picking out all kinds of seasonal decorative items. I’d save up my allowance and buy a few items to decorate my bedroom and bedroom door for various holidays and seasons. (And I still have some of those gems!) Although to a lesser extent, I still enjoy doing that. You know, there are so many other home projects I want to spend my money on these days! Well I saved up my pennies once again to create a wreath for our front door to usher in the hottest of seasons, and my favorite, summer! Summer…
Featured on Today’s Homeowner: Summer!
When I think of summer I think of sitting outside sipping tea, air conditioning, and going to the beach. And when it comes to our homes during this warm, sunny season, 2 of the 3 are pertinent! That’s why this week’s episode of Today’s Homeowner is all about what things you should tackle around your house this season. Dad, Allen, and I helped homeowners Robert and Leigh Bailey with repairs and maintenance around their home, some bigger than others. We used our Summer Checklist to see what is a “must do” versus what you should do if time and budget allow. You can find all of our summer tips here.…