Divide and Conquer Laundry Room Clutter
How to Add Function to a Laundry Room Changing the entrance to a small bathroom made this laundry room a whole lot more functional! Before-Laundry Room/Hallway At the beginning of this project featured on an episode of Today’s Homeowner, the laundry room served as a hallway to the small, adjacent powder room. It also lacked storage and opportunities for organization.
Free Pantry Labels Download
Cute Labels to Organize Your Pantry You know the saying, “the cobbler’s children have no shoes”? Yeah, that’s definitely the case at my house sometimes. Which is why I’m showing you pictures of someone else’s pantry today and not my own.? Dad and I recently worked with Laney and Chris for an episode of Today’s Homeowner. They desperately needed help in updating the look AND function of their laundry room which also serves as their pantry. Here’s their pantry shelf before?:
Laundry Room Makeover Revealed!
The laundry room is done, done, done! So that means it’s time for a full reveal of the space with everything decorated and pretty and not at all how it will be in real life! Ha! There’s also a ton of sources at the bottom in case you’re looking for similar items for your home! This side of the room is where the biggest changes took place. Besides the immediate change from painting the walls, I created a drop zone for backpacks, updated a thrifted laundry cart, hung cabinets above the washer and dryer, painted the washer and dryer, created a ledge and installed a glass tile backsplash. Here’s what…
DIY Peel & Stick Tile
After the washer and dryer were painted and the ledge was installed, the empty wall above the two was begging for something! So I decided to add a tile backsplash. But what’s cool and different about the tiles I used is they don’t require thinset OR grout!! What?! They are peel and stick tiles from Aspect Ideas. I had heard about these tiles at the Haven blogger conference I attended back in August. I didn’t have a tile project in mind at the time. But I filed away the info for later. And here we are! (*Aspect Peel & Stick Tiles sent the tiles for this project. However, all positive…
Stained Shelf in Laundry Room
Adding a shelf, or ledge, above your washer and dryer is such an easy and relatively inexpensive way to add more style and storage to a plain old laundry room. So after hanging cabinets and painting the washer and dryer in my laundry room project, that’s exactly what I set out to do. If you’ve been reading all of my posts, you may have noticed I installed the cleat to hold the ledge a long time ago, before hanging cabinets or painting the appliances. It’s the same system I used to hang the shelves on the opposite wall next to the cube organizer. But this time, I was staining the…
Painting Washer and Dryer
I’ve finally finished the physical work over at my laundry room project. The bad news is you’ll have to wait another week or two to get all of the posts to wrap this puppy up! After I had a little help hanging cabinets on the wall, I got to work painting the washer and dryer. I know it’s a common scenario to have mismatched washer and dryers. In this case, they’re both white, but the dryer looks much older than the washer. Most budgets don’t allow homeowners to update both appliances at once when only one is broken. And when neither of them are broken, you keep on trucking! The…
Installing Wall Cabinets
A big issue I planned to correct when I started this laundry room project was a lack of storage. With 4 kids living in the house and the laundry room’s proximity to the kitchen, it serves as overflow for big box store food storage like cereals, chips, and snacks. I already added a little storage on the wall opposite the washer and dryer by hanging a cube organizer. But nothing compares to good old cabinetry! So that’s what happened above the washer and dryer.
Repurposing A Tidy Cats Container
My last post on refinishing a metal laundry cart left off with a tease on the kitty litter container I upcycled into a laundry detergent dispenser. And now I’m here to deliver the deets! But first a quick thank you for following along on this here blog journey! I’m so thankful for each and every eyeball who visits my site and hopefully finds something useful to do in your home! And I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday with friends and/or family! I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it on here before or not, but I would love to be a crazy cat lady. You know someone who…
Adding a Stained Top to a Metal Cart
I love being able to modify something to make it more unique, pretty, or functional. Especially when that something was only $8 to begin with! So when I found this cart at our local Goodwill store, I knew it’d be perfect for my laundry room project after a few modifications. I could have put a lot more time and money into, but decided spray painting it and adding a simple stained wood top to match the laundry sorter would be plenty!