Installing Grab Bar Without Studs
One thing I’ve learned over the past few months of having a toddling tot around is that a perfectly fine shower/bathtub for an adult is not necessarily perfectly fine for an 11 month old just starting to walk.
And then I entered my third trimester with baby #2 and realized maybe my shower isn’t perfectly fine for an adult either!
I’ve recently developed a Sunday morning routine that includes a bubble bath, hot coffee, and sometimes some music. It’s part necessity since a bath is the only way I can manage to shave my legs nowadays! The only problem is at the end, when it’s time to face reality again, the struggle to safely stand up is REAL.
Enter my new BFF.
Since January is National Bath Safety Month, it’s important that EVERYONE has a safe bath. Anyone can slip at any time, not just the elderly or disabled, or very pregnant ladies for that matter! And I love that by adding just one or two affordable things in your bathroom you gain so much more in peace of mind.
I recently installed this same grab bar with shelf from Moen at my parents’ house during a Facebook Live video which you can watch below.
*This post is sponsored by Moen, though all favorable opinions are 100% my own.
The install is super simple and straight forward. I timed myself and, without rushing, it took me 15 minutes from laying out the template to popping the flange covers on.
Speaking of the template…this grab bar from Moen comes with this paper template. I simply taped it on the wall, used my 2′ level to check that the line on the template was level and used a permanent marker to mark the center hole on each side.
Next I used a hole saw bit attached to my drill to drill 1-1/4″ holes at those marks. My shower surround is fiberglass, but I used the same attachment to drill holes in the marble surround in the video above. (It’s a carbide-tipped hole saw that would work for tile tub/showers too!)
*Note this is an installation without studs. Follow instructions included with your product for installation in studs.
The next part goes freaky fast. You slip the plastic guide into the hole.
Then insert and tighten the SecureMount Anchors with the included pull tab. (Check out my how-to webisode for more details on this interesting innovation.)
Finally you secure the SecureMount flange to the Anchor inside the wall with the included screws. Slide the grab bar into the flanges, tighten the small set screws, pop the covers on and you’re in business!
And then your daughter’s cute little toys and baby shampoo take over the shelf, but it can still support up to 250 lbs.!
Which is more than enough for me to support myself when sitting down and standing up in the tub. A big improvement over the inch or so of the tub edge I had on that side before.
There’s still time left to enter my giveaway for a chance to win one of these grab bars for your house! So click over to my giveaway post and use the widget to enter!
How many times could you have used one of these pretty and functional grab bars? I use it all the time now that I have it!
Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

Mary Alice Beatson
Ok, just watched this installation and I am going to Lowe’s and get me one!!
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Glad you found it, Mary Alice! Should be an easy install! ~Chelsea
Brad Crowe
Was the Moen grab bar specifically to be used with the secure mount system? What if i just wanted to install a grab bar vertically or even on an angle? The grab bars i’ve seen actually have a fixed mounting plate to secure it to studs. From the video it appears the secure mount allows the Moen grab bar/soap holder to slide over the secure mount bracket and then set screws hold the grab bar in place.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hi Brad, you can install the Moen grab bars straight into studs without the secure mount system. It’s been a while since I installed one, but I believe you install the bar to the stud or secure mounts and then the covers snap on over the bracket, no set screws needed. Hope that helps! ~Chelsea
Chelsea, How solid is that bar when pulled on being the fiberglass flexes? Plus doesn’t Moen suggest 1/4″ thick fiberglass or acrylic? Grab bars per UBC are to be installed into a solid surface
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
It doesn’t flex at all! This was installed according to the directions that came with the grab bar. Their special anchors make a big difference!