Chelsea’s Choice: Safe Bath Time
**This giveaway has ended. Scroll down to see winners and click over to my giveaway tab to see my next giveaway!
January is a great month to purge stuff around your house or pick up a healthier lifestyle. But it’s also a great month to make your bathroom a little safer-especially since it’s National Bath Safety Month! That’s why I’ve partnered with Moen again this year to help spread the word about how easy and important it is for everyone to have a safe bathroom and shower. Oh yea, and I’ve got a great giveaway, too!
You may remember in one of my webisodes I helped thirty-something Lori with the safety of her bathroom. Which just goes to show you, age doesn’t matter when it comes to creating a safe bathroom.
Even as a fairly fit pregnant woman these past few months, I’ve discovered the necessity of a grab bar to help myself out of the tub after a relaxing bubble bath. But more than that, I’ve realized why wouldn’t I want my bathtub and shower to be as safe as possible? Especially considering nearly 200,000 injuries occur in the bathroom annually! If I can do something that’s easy and inexpensive that could prevent me, my husband, or babies from an accidental injury, I’m all about that! Protective mama bear over here!
And if I haven’t convinced you yet that you should install some safety features in your bathroom, just take a look at how not ‘grab bar’ these grab bars from Moen look!
Grab Bar with Shelf for Shampoo, etc.
Beautiful Grab Bar with Towel Bar
They may look dainty and pretty. But they can both support up to 250 lbs.!
**You can watch the LIVE installation of a Grab Bar with Shelf on my Facebook page! It starts at 11 AM CST on Tuesday, January 17th. Stop by, see how easy it is to install, and ask any questions you may have about bath safety!
And now’s your chance to win! Moen is graciously giving away (2) prize packs! Each prize pack will include (1) 16″ Grab Bar with Shelf in brushed nickel, (1) Designer Hand Grip in brushed nickel, (1) Engage Handshower with Magnetix, and (1) set of Adhesive Tread Strips!
Use the widget below to enter for your chance to win and don’t forget to share with your friends for extra entries! Happy National Bath Safety Month! Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

Melinda Williams
Chelsea, Hello, my name is Mindy Williams and I am from Springfield Missouri. I am a pretty dedicated watcher of the “Today’s Homeowner Show. I have noticed some pretty neat ideas that you have come up with to help people with for storage and space saving. I am having a very hard time with organizing ideas for my small space home. I am trying to get my crafting room set up and put together, but with all the crap in my way i am overwhelmed and dont know where to start. Is there any tips you can give me to get me started on the organization for this. Maybe provide step by step instructions that would help or somewhere I might look for help. Anything at this time would be greatly helpful. Now that I have contacted you i need to ask your father about my plumbing and sewer pipe problem in this home.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
First off, Melinda, I wish I could come help you in person because organizing and clearing out space is so exciting to me! But since I can’t, here are a few things. First of all, unless you have a deadline you’ve imposed, don’t rush it and get overwhelmed! Try for maybe 10 minutes a day of clearing out at a time. You just might get in the groove and work a little more than that some days! When I’m clearing out a space, I always like to have separate piles or boxes for different things. I used this method when I was organizing this bookshelf: Trash pile, donate pile, keep-but-put-somewhere-else pile, and a stay pile. I don’t know how easy or hard that is for you, but I know sometimes it gives me anxiety just thinking about having to part with something. Once you’ve gone through the whole room, you can see what’s left in the stay pile and start putting the stuff into categories for storage purposes. I don’t know what kind of crafts you do, but, for instance, put all scrapbooking stuff together, paints and brushes in one spot, so on and so forth. I just saw this neat armoire craft storage that could come in handy, especially in a smaller home: I hope that helps get you started! Come back and keep me posted on your progress! ~Chelsea
Dorothy Kirk
Love Today’s Homeowner. Even watch the reruns. So practical and realistic.
Jane B Smith
I read your info above, ref the attractive Moen grab bars. I have a tub that is acrylic, so have no safe way to put in any grab bars. It’s been suggested that I have someone take out the current acrylic tub/shower combo & replace it with a “real” tub, (wider, as mine is WAY too narrow) with a tile surround, so grab bars could safely be installed. I have serious back issues (3 bulging discs impinging on the spine and one herniated disc, all in the lumbar region), so would have to hire the work to be done. I have no idea how to make sure I get a reputable contractor and/or plumber. I think the plumbing is ok, I just am overwhelmed at the prospect of getting the work done properly, without being overcharged. I live in Cookeville, TN (½ way between Nashville & Knoxville). Do you think your dad would have any ideas along these lines? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hi Jane! Dad always recommends calling your local Home Builder’s Association. They should be able to give you a few reputable contractors based on your project needs. Get several estimates! In the mean time, Moen does have this tub grip that fits on the side of your tub for extra stability without drilling holes: Good luck! ~Chelsea