
Introducing Lucy Anne!

The 5th Member of the Wolf Pack Is Here!


It is with full hearts and great joy that my husband and I share these sweet photos with our newest family member, Lucy Anne Wolf!
newborn lifestyle photoshoot

She was finally born on May 10th, 2019 at 41 weeks! I was ready to not be pregnant anymore and was induced that happy, sunny morning.

These pictures were taken when she was 6 days old and she’s already changed so much in these past 2 months!😭 Although sleeping more at night is a good change she made.πŸ˜†

Don’t tell the others, but so far she’s been my best baby. Or maybe we’re just more prepared and aware since we’ve done this twice before.

Big brother and sister are adjusting well, thankfully! Though no one gets called by the right name anymore.πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

Big sister is the most obsessed with her out of all of us. I mean could they be any cuter?!

And unbeknownst to us prior to having these pictures taken, Gus can climb into her crib WITHOUT assistance! Uh-oh!

blonde haired little boy toddler being a stinker

This might be my favorite picture of all! Since it had been 27 months since I last held a newborn, I couldn’t get over how small her head was! So this is our attempt to capture her small-ness. Even though at almost 8.5 pounds she wasn’t exactly petite!

Thanks to my favorite photographer, Elizabeth Gelineau, for capturing our family in our new chapter! You can check out her favorite photos from the shoot on her blog!

And thanks to you all for your love, prayers and support throughout my pregnancy and delivery! I felt the grace and can’t thank you enough for caring about my little family and my little DIY world!

Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea


  • Barbara Taylor

    Hi Chelsea,
    Thank you so much for sharing all your beautiful family pictures. Your children are all so beautiful as well as you and your husband.
    Many, many blessings and best wishes as you savor the joys along with the task of raising these beautiful children. Your pictures just radiate the love and joy of such a wonderful time.
    Enjoy each and every minute as they grow up so fast.
    Barbara Taylor

    • Chelsea Lipford Wolf

      It is a wonderful time! I’m really enjoying these crazy toddler years with the older 2. It’s so fun to watch them learn things and develop their language! ~Chelsea

  • Esther Butera

    Thank you for sharing the pictures of your beautiful family. The love and happiness shows in all their faces. You have been blessed with a wonderful family.
    Esther Butera

      • Sandi

        Beautiful family. I had been praying for you and your family

        Thankful for a beautiful family and yours is precious

        Thanks for always sharing great diy with us

        Like you I’m in Alabama and it’s hot hot

        So ready for cooler weather so I can do a project

  • Susan Riegner-Cowle

    Amazing pictures! My husband and I watch you and your Dad every Sunday.
    Love you both. God Bless You and your Beautiful Family. Susan & Jay Cowle

  • Ann Gaynier

    You have a beautiful family. You all look so happy. You and Brandon and your dad have done a great job on your house. Love your show and watch every Sunday with my hubby
    God bless all of you

  • Vicki

    Congratulations to you and your husband on having such a nice family! I know your mom and dad are so proud of all of you!!

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