
Introducing…Daniel Augustine Wolf

If you follow me on Instagram, then you’ve already seen the good news! Our second child, and first son, was born on Monday, January 30th at 10:27 PM!

Introducing Daniel Augustine Wolf…

Newborn Baby Boy Curled Up

Gus, as we’re going to call him, weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20 inches long! And he’s already ready to get to work on mommy’s DIY projects!

Daniel Augustine Baby Boy Newborn Photography Froggy Pose

The best part about being the mother to 2 littles is the excitement Mary Helen has to see her little brother. We laid her next to him for this picture and she put her arm around him all on her own!?

Mary Helen and Gus Newborn Photo

I can’t wait for him to be old enough (OK, I can wait since they grow up too fast anyway!) to play and interact with her. They’re going to be best friends!❤️️

I don’t know if it’s because he’s my second baby or if he’s just more chill than big sis was at this age, but I’ve been much more relaxed with him these past few weeks. I’m taking lots of time to rest and soak up the newborn stage. But I also can’t help myself and will have a post soon on the ‘manly’ shelves I’ve made for this little guy’s room.

Mommy and Newborn Son

I ❤️️ my family of four!

Black and White Family of Four Photo

Thanks to all of the well wishes on my Instagram and Facebook posts! It means a lot to me for you to take the time to comment on anything I do! I couldn’t do what I do if it wasn’t for my readers and followers. You’re appreciated!

Also a shout out to Ashley Mercer Photography for the beautiful images of my sweet little family!

Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea


  • Nicholas Jones

    Dear Chelsea, Brandon, and Mary Helen:

    Congratulation on the latest addition to the Wolf family.

    Nicholas T. Jones
    Nashville, Tennessee

  • Carol R Ogle

    Thank you for sharing the photos of your two little ones, congratulations. I want to encourage you not to feel pressured to work a lot, these few years go by fast, speaking from the voice of experience, enjoy them.
    Thank you for your ideas and your Dad also, we enjoy his tv show. God Bless.
    Carol & Ken Ogle

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