Indoor Projects

Crown Molding in the Closet?!

Yes that’s right. Continuing my journey to organize my junk more without throwing it all away, I decided to try out one of those nifty tricks I’ve seen on Pinterest—hanging high heels on a piece of crown molding.

I don’t wear heels that often, so they don’t need to be readily accessible. In fact, they’re currently scattered in 2 different closets.

shoe rack with high heels and hiking boots

blue rubbermaid totes with high heels inside

And that’s in addition to the everyday shoes in the “master closet”.

white shoe rack with flat shoes and running sneakers

I say “master closet” in quotes since it’s no larger than any of the other closets in the house. And it’s just not very masterful!

But back to the crown molding. Behind our office we have a rack of leftover crown, base, and several other types of molding and trim.

crown molding, base mold, screen mold in wooden rack outside

Nothing was short enough to fit in my car, so I stretched one long piece over the dumpster, measured it a little longer than my closet, and cut it with a cordless circular saw.

Long piece of white crown molding leaned against yellow dumpster

After bringing it home, I cut a 45 degree angle on the straight side.

pen marking 45 degree angle on white crown molding with speed square

Then I whipped out the white trim paint and touched it up.

white crown molding sitting on plastic-covered table with paint stir stick

Once it was dry to the touch, I brought it inside for hanging. To hold it in place while I attached screws, I got some repositionable Glue Dots.

repositionable glue dots in package

I rolled them right on the back of the crown.

glue dots on back of crown molding

And then stuck it to the wall.

white crown molding on wall under closet rod

I tested a heel at this position and realized the crown was too high to get the heel in. So I repositioned the crown and attached 4 drywall screws towards the bottom.

black high heels hanging on white crown molding in closet

Then it was time to dig out the rest of my heels and hang them high. Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to work for wedges. I’m sure I could put a thumb tack in the heel of a wedge and hang it, but that seems like a lot of trouble to take the tack in and out when I want to wear them.

three pairs of high heels hanging on crown molding

I put a few of our shirts back in the closet and it couldn’t have lined up more perfectly.

shirts hanging on closet rod with heels on crown molding in the back

The bend in the hanger fits right into the curve of the hanging heels. So when we’re moving clothes right and left on the rod, it won’t knock the heels off.

heels hanging on crown molding behind shirts on closet rod

Since the heels are so high, I can see them over the shirts which make picking a pair out pretty easy. Just part the sea of shirts and grab the heels for the occasion.

shirts hanging on closet rod with jeans folded on shelf above

As I was putting the remaining shirts back in the closet, I thought I’d also share this little space-saving trick I’ve been using for a while using a soda tab.

clothes hanger hanging from soda tab

I use this for my sweaters and dresses. My shirts are mostly on the fat plastic hangers that are too big for the soda tabs.

clothes hanging in closet with shoe rack on floor

All-in-all there’s not a big difference in the appearance of the closet, but it’s nice to be to combine my shoes into 2 closets instead of 3.

And in case you’re thinking having shoes in 2 different closets is still bad, I partially agree with you. In my defense, this house’s closets are practically nonexistent. And I think it’s impossible to think 2 grown adults (myself and my husband) could share a closet of that size and that closet alone. But I also share my shoe collection/addiction in hopes that it will embarrass me enough to donate some đŸ™‚ We shall see!

Who else is having an out-of-closet experience? Do you have a better way to store high heels or shoes in general? Let me know!

Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea

One Comment

  • Kevin Handoga

    Hi Chelsea, I watch your father’s show, every Saturday morning, and you guys are great, and alot of good info that is given out. On your web page, there is a pic of a closet that has shoes on the left, shirts, dress in back. And drawers on right. All in white color. Buy any chance, do you have the blueprint to this closet makeover, or where i can get them ? I need to do a closet make over, and this is perfect for me. Please send me any info on this closet. Thank-you. And luv the tv show!!

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