DIY Burlap Roman Shades
We’re only 11 days into July, but it’s already been so, so busy! Between Independence Day festivities, taking care of baby girl, and my duties at the Today’s Homeowner headquarters, I haven’t gotten much done around the house save the usual laundry, cooking, and cleaning. However, I was able to piece a few table runners together to create some much-needed shades for our sunroom.
Ruffling the Nest
Projects are winding down in the nursery and so is this pregnancy! Can’t believe in about 2 weeks we’ll get to meet our little girl! After painting the walls, adding gold to the ceiling, hanging crown molding, updating an old dresser, framing the windows, touching up stain on the floor, creating a poofy mobile, laying out and hanging the gallery wall, and making curtains without sewing, there’s not much else that could possibly be done in this small space! Except make a skirt for the crib and possibly make and hang shelves above the changing table/dresser. 🙂 Those shelves can always come after her arrival, but the crib skirt is…
How to Make a Floor-to-Ceiling Shower Curtain
It might be small, but there's a lot going on in and around this bathroom of mine! Read on to see how I hung the curtain.