How to Create Workshop on a Budget
Budget-Friendly Garage Workshop Makeover Painting and reusing old cabinets is a great way to create a defined workshop area in a garage. And adding casters to an old table saves money and gives you a portable workbench! Materials milk paint (ballet pink)* paint sprayer (my most favorite one ever!)* scrap cardboard sandpaper respirator 3 inch screws drill/driver casters (30% off right now!)* 3/8″ and 3/4″ drill bits 2-part epoxy glue like this Clean and Paint Depending on how old your cabinets are and where they’ve been stored, they may require some repairs before they can be painted! Mine needed a good cleaning to get rid of the mildew (just 50/50…
When Everything Has A Place
How to Add Storage & Organize the Garage When it comes to organizing ANY space in your house, it’s essential for everything you need stored to have a designated spot. The garage Dad and I recently helped overhaul on Today’s Homeowner was a great example! Remove All The Things The first step to getting a more organized garage is to take everything out of the space, in this case the garage. The emptiness might inspire to throw out a little more than you might otherwise have! Put things into piles-trash, donate, camping, yard, tools, etc. This way you can see and know exactly what’s left to be accommodated in your new…
Creating Zones for Garage Storage
How to Create Zones for an Organized Garage It’s really starting to feel like summer in Alabama! And summer means yard work, kids home from school, and maybe pool gear all over the place! So I thought it was the perfect time to share some tips from a recent episode of Today’s Homeowner about organizing your garage! Set Priorities As with any organization project, it is essential to take inventory of what you have and what your needs are as far as storage goes. What do you use most often? It needs to be easily accessible at all times. What is stored for seasonal use, i.e. Christmas or summer camping?…
How I Reused an Old Wood Window
Repurposing a Window and Planter Box Looking for an inexpensive way to add some character to the outside of your home or garage? That’s exactly what I did with an old wood window and leftover planter box. Find the Right Trash The best part about this project? 100% free! I already had this hand-me-down metal wall hanging on the outside of my garage that faces our backyard. But I was ready to change things up. You may remember an earlier rendition of my dining room had this old wooden window hanging in it. It was removed from one of my dad’s construction company‘s jobs several years ago. And one man’s trash…
Stripping Sealer from Concrete
The rug I painted on my garage floor is still going strong! (If you haven’t watched the how-to video yet, what are you waiting on?) But one thing I left out of the video was how I messed up the first time I applied the sealer to the floor. The mistake I made was a total rookie move. I simply applied it too thick. You would think, oh let me coat it really good so I don’t miss any spots. But what happens is that it doesn’t cure, or dry, very well. And it ends up tacky and streaky. Exhibit A:
Upcycle: Potting Bench
I don’t know if you’ve noticed this about me lately, but apparently I’m on an upcycle and repurpose kick. I really do love giving something new life! Especially when it comes to cheap or free furniture pieces. That’s where this large-and-in-charge potting bench comes into play. On a recent episode of Today’s Homeowner, we transformed a shed into a gardener’s potting shed paradise for homeowner Delores.
How To Paint Garage Floor
I love my garage! It’s such a workhorse that stores stuff long-term, holds my project materials and tools, and serves as a place to park my car! My garage building is divided into 2 basically equal sides. The right side is where I park my car and the left side is my shed where we keep paint, the lawnmower, ladder, etc. Unfortunately, I also have some stuff stored along the edges on the garage side as well. Not ideal, but it still leaves me just enough space to park my hand-me-down Honda Pilot. I also use this space to build things and cut lumber since the open garage door provides…
Pool Noodle Garage Hack
I just got back from a whirlwind trip to the capitol of the south, Atlanta, where I attended a conference for DIY/home decor bloggers. Yes, that’s a thing. It’s called Haven and it’s in its 5th year, with over 300 attendees. I was able to meet a lot of other bloggers just like me and learned SOO much about improving everything I do from photos to home decor and social media. Before I left on my trip, I knocked one quick fix off my list I should have done 10 months ago! I added pool noodles to the studs in my garage…
Going Dutch, Door Style
As a kid I was always fascinated with Dutch doors. It’s so neat to have a door that can function as a regular door or split to keep the bottom locked while the top let’s in fresh air. I’ve seen them as exterior doors and as interior doors in my old daycare. They seem just perfect for anyone with pets or kids. What I also love about them is how cute they can be. Especially on a backyard shed! We built this one from scratch since the existing door was in rough shape. If your door is in better shape you can use it instead! The materials we used: (1)…