Indoor Projects

Just Keep Fixin’

After Jodi Marks left town, the work at my house slowed a little. As anxious as I was to move in, I guess my lack of attention span made the fixin’ up process quite lengthy. I started by bringing a set of “work” clothes with me to work everyday. First I’d remove everything I knew I didn’t want or need inside the house. I removed old nails from the walls, curtains from the closets, and kitchen wares from the previous owner. Then I got hungry.

I didn’t want to waste money eating on the go when I knew Mom had something warm on the stove at home, so I’d put off puttying the holes and cracks until another day. I’d putty a few rooms, the sun would go down, and I’d get scared being alone in MY house (probably from watching too many cop dramas on TV). Even though I was planning on living in my house by myself one day soon, the lack of exterior lighting to the keep the boogie man away, an empty house, and my vivid imagination kept me from staying to work much past sunset.

Repairing hole in floor.On the days I didn’t let the moon’s appearance bother me, boredom would set in. I couldn’t stand much of the monotony of moving from room to room and doing the same task over and over. But I suffered through until everything (walls, ceilings, and baseboards) were primed, and that’s when I called in the troops.

A few friends were in town to celebrate the Original Mardi Gras (Mobile, Alabama, had the first Mardi Gras celebration in the United States; a fact I’m proud of and will tell anyone who thinks New Orleans has us beat.), so I enlisted them to help me paint!

Whew! Once there was finally color on the walls, everything else started moving a little quicker. Dad and I repaired a hole in the hallway floor after relocating the air return to the hall closet. Then my parents graciously gave me a “housewarming” present that included refinishing the hardwood floors! And since the floors had been covered for several years with worn carpet, it was definitely necessary!

Dad and I also made a small adjustment in the kitchen. There was a stacked washer/dryer located under the attic access, so we moved it into a closet off the sunroom. It didn’t quite fit enough for the door to close, so we removed the door to allow access to the washer and dryer. Since it was in the back of the house in a room I wasn’t planning to use much, I didn’t mind it not having a door.

We also moved the cabinets above the kitchen sink five inches over, to allow the refrigerator to squeeze in next to the sink and out of the doorway from the dining room. It might not have been the prettiest kitchen. But with these few minor adjustments, it functioned enough for me to move in!

I’m moving in in my next blog, so don’t miss it!


  • Vern Guest

    I enjoy your First time homeowner series. I love the father daughter thing have fun, and enjoy your new home.
    I`ll be watching

  • Beth McMillan

    As a newly single 68 y.o., I have just moved into a 64 y.o. 800 sq. ft “bird cage”. I am in love with the necessary updates and renos required, and will follow a game plan as a fixed income will permit.
    I just happened to catch the fourth episode last Sunday, and learned a ton! Though you and I are years apart in age, much of this series is spplicable to both of our circumstances. Wow! Thank you both for sharing the “boogie man” on your blog and the show! You’ve made me realize it can be done.

    • Chelsea Lipford

      Beth, I’m so glad you were able to get something useful out of it! The final episode will air this weekend, but you can watch all of the 6-part series online anytime 🙂

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