
Chelsea’s Choice: Grabbing Hold

**This giveaway has ended. Scroll down to see winners and click over to my giveaway tab to see my current giveaway!

In addition to being the start of a new year and a great time to get organized, January is also National Bath Safety Month. Bath safety is important no matter your age or physical prowess. Everyone and anyone can benefit from grab bars in the shower and bath. But only if you like the added peace of mind…

This time last year I helped a thirty-something improve the safety in her bathroom with some stylish grab bars you wouldn’t even know were grab bars. They even had a shelf for soaps and such!

Grab Bar with Shelf from Moen

And now you have a chance to win (1) of two sets of grab bars from Moen, including that handy grab bar with shelf!

Connect with me through the Rafflecopter widget below to enter for your chance to win AND get updated on my latest webisodes and projects!

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