Indoor Projects

Clean Grill Grates in Oven

If you’re anything like me, cleaning is not something you enjoy nor look forward to completing. In fact, I usually ignore it until there’s a possibility of a house guest. Then it’s a cleaning frenzy so our friends won’t see how we actually live. Eek!

Fortunately there are a lot of cleaning hacks to be found on the Internet. And this is one I’ve tried recently.

You simply put your grill grates in your self-cleaning oven. And turn it on ‘Clean’. You’re killing two birds with one stone by cleaning the grill grates and oven with one self-cleaning cycle!

Grill grate sitting on self-cleaning oven rack

As with any self-cleaning oven cycle, you’ll still have to wipe the soot off once the cycle is complete!

I’m not sure if this is a reason not to do it, but in my first try doing this the house got a little smoky. Not enough to set off my smoke alarm in the hallway. But enough that I should have turned on my range hood ventilation fan when I turned on the oven.

Maybe it was too much grime for the oven to clean at once? But something tells me it probably would have gotten smoky with or without the grill grates! Then again, maybe I should push the ‘Clean’ button a littttle more often… Now I’m off to look for that ever-elusive self-cleaning house. I’ll let you know if I find one!

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