Indoor Projects

Featured on Today’s Homeowner: Energy Efficiency

This past weekend across the country, my husband and I (and Mary Helen in utero) were featured on the Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford TV show I co-host. I mentioned this episode, titled “Energy Efficiency for the Family”, before when I made the Roman shades for the nursery. But now the episode is online in case you missed it! Click here to watch us!

I was 8 months pregnant when we got a new HVAC system. So it’s fun to re-watch the episode and relive those days full of joyful anticipation waiting for Mary Helen to arrive!

You wouldn’t believe how large our old HVAC unit was unless you saw it in person. It was a “package” unit, meaning there were no parts of the system inside. Some people have their air handlers in a closet inside their house. This one had that all outside. It worked out well since our house and closet space is so limited as is. But it was time for it to go.

old, large package HVAC unit with chelsea 8 months pregnant

In its place, we installed a brand new heat pump unit from Carrier. Can you believe this tiny thing is way more efficient than “The Beast”? Say what?!

carrier heat pump installed

Part of the reason it’s much smaller is it is not a package unit. Part of its installation included adding an air handler inside the house in the attic. Not excited about losing that valuable storage area in the attic, BUT the new unit heats and cools waaayyyy more efficiently. So I’m ok with the trade off!

Another part of the installation of the new unit was removing all of the old, improper and inefficient ducts under the house and running new ductwork and vents in the attic and ceiling. Which means there were a bunch of holes left in the floor in each room of the house where the old vents were located.

floor register hardwood english chestnut tile floor

Fortunately, I had a little help from Dad and Allen to replace some tile in the kitchen and this spot in the dining room hardwood. You would never know there used to be a grate there!

hardwood floor seamless patch near tile floor

We cut pieces of duct to put in the other vents we didn’t patch to keep unwanted air and critters out. I’m hoping to tackle the bathroom and one in our bedroom sometime this year. (In the midst of the many other projects I’d like to accomplish.) Then there’s the one in the nursery, guest room, living room and 2 in the sunroom to think about…

But in the meantime, while you’re waiting for another riveting project from myself, 🙂 , head over to and see all of these projects I mentioned in action! You can click here to watch the “Energy Efficiency for the Family” episode! And I hope you will!

Next week I’m heading to Las Vegas for the annual International Builder’s Show. I hope to share some fun products new to the market with you on my Facebook page. So be sure to follow me there and on Instagram to stay in touch!

Thanks for Checking In! ~ Chelsea


  • Darlene Sosnowski

    Hi Chelsea!

    I always view “”. Your suggestions are always so helpful!

    We are aware of your father retiring.😢. Will you be continuing in some manner to carry on the show? Your father and you made our day every episode. You and your dad will be missed🥹

    • Chelsea Lipford Wolf

      Thanks for sharing, Darlene! I won’t be carrying on the show, but please subscribe to my newsletter for what I have coming up next! Best, Chelsea

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