• Chelsea Lipford Wolf Favorite Paint Sprayer Review Video
    Craft Projects,  Episodes

    Review of My Favorite Paint Sprayer!

    The best way to get a smooth and fine finish on almost any painted project is with a paint sprayer! I’ve used the same one for over 3 years and can’t say enough good things about it, as evidenced in this review video! Pros It’s easy to use right out of the box. There aren’t a bunch of knobs you have to figure out. It holds a decent amount of paint, enough for at least one coat of most projects. It’s SO easy to clean! Cons Not ideal for large areas like walls or exteriors, in my opinion. It doesn’t do the work for you.😂 For real, it doesn’t have…

  • Completed DIY Dollhouse Nightstand Build
    Episodes,  Indoor Projects

    DIY Dollhouse Nightstand with Free Plans!

    This how-to video shows you exactly how to build a custom nightstand that looks just like a dollhouse! Sign up for the FREE plans below to make it even easier! Materials to Make 1 Nightstand (2) 3/4″ 2’x4′ sanded plywood panels* (4) furniture legs* (1) piece of fluted molding* (2) pieces of decorative molding* iron-on edge banding* small hinges* pocket hole jig* pocket hole screws* brad nailer* circular saw* or table saw miter saw jigsaw* drill* sander* primer/paint* wood glue* paint sprayer* (2) small dollhouse windows (2) large dollhouse windows (1) arched dollhouse window (1) dollhouse door For whatever reason, it’s currently cheaper and easier to purchase (2) 2’x4′ plywood…