DIY Wall Sconce Installation
How to Install a Light Fixture without Wiring I mentioned in my last post on our kids’ room update, that I’d be back with a how-to post on installing their sweet wall sconces above their beds. The steps I took are specific to the fixture we used, but maybe a step in the process will work for you and inspire your creative side!
Easy, Fast, and Cheap Extension Cord Repair
How to Repair an Extension Cord Yourself It costs less than $4 to repair an extension cord if it’s accidentally cut during use! And it doesn’t require any special tools or skills. Replacement part If the damage on your cord is nearest the female end, like mine, the part is readily available in the electrical aisle. The one I got was $3.29. (The male end replacement part is even cheaper!) Prepare Cord Obviously, make sure the cord isn’t plugged in first. Then cut through the cord right past the damaged area.