DIY Pegboard Hanging Bins
These custom DIY pegboard bins are perfect for hanging scissors, rulers, pens, pencils or markers! With the recent completion of my pegboard makeover, I thought I’d give you a little more detail on the bins I built. So you can make them for your pegboard too! The finished inside dimensions of this bin are 2.5 x 2 inches. So all subsequent measurements are based on this size bin. Hit me up in the comments if you have any questions!
DIY Carpenter Bee Trap
An easy DIY project to trap carpenter bees before they tear up your fence! Click to read the how-to!
DIY Display for Christmas Cards
Watch this video to find out how to make a DIY string star card holder to display the Christmas cards you receive.
Chelsea’s Choice: Smarty Pants Drill
Enter my Smarty Pants Drill Giveaway for your chance to win your very own Black+Decker 20-volt, lithium-ion cordless drill/driver with AutoSense technology.