
Media | Newsroom | Media Personality

Images in this library are available for use by media professionals and other external partners. Images may not be altered in any way (other than cropping or resizing) without prior written consent. If you need a more specific image than what is available here or have any questions, please contact Stephanie Greenwood,, 251.478.3345 x110

Click to view each image full-sized and then right-click to download:


CIWC logo JPG file
CIWC logo JPG file
CIWC logo PNG file
CIWC logo PNG file


Chelsea Lipford Wolf Headshot
Chelsea Lipford Wolf Headshot
Chelsea three quarter body shot
Chelsea three quarter body shot
Chelsea with hand out and logo
Chelsea with hand out and logo
Chelsea in her workshop
Chelsea in her workshop
Chelsea on her front porch
Chelsea on her front porch
Chelsea blogging
Chelsea blogging

Action Shots

action shot from series - 1
Action shot from web series
Chelsea and Danny
Chelsea and Danny

Telly Awards Photos

Chelsea and Brad Rodgers with Telly Awards
Chelsea with Telly Awards