Board and batten is a classic molding style that can instantly update the look and feel of your dining room. Watch the video above for all of the details on how you can create a custom look using 1x4s and 1x6s!
I have watched many videos about painting upholstered furniture and am a bit skeptical (it looks scary). I’m hoping you may try some of these techniques and let me know which is best, or if they work or not.
Hi Diane! While I haven’t done a video on painting upholstered furniture, I have done a blog post which you can find here: I must say it leaves the fabric stiff and a little crunchy. So if you have a buttery-soft chair, it probably won’t still be soft once you paint it. I would still recommend it as a cheap and easy way to update an outdated chair or sofa, especially if you might re-upholster it anyway! ~Chelsea
Wow, Chelsea! I can do that! I shared it on Facebook with all my friends so they can try it. When I move into my next house, I can’t wait to put Board & Batten up! Thank you!
Hi Dawn! I would not categorize upholstering an arm chair as easy! I’ve never done it before, but it seems very involved and time-consuming! I’m sure you could do it with determination and a good tutorial! ~Chelsea
Chelsea; 1st; Kuddos to you as an inspiration to all of us female DIY’s/renovators. My primary question is how do you smooth/finish off the rough edges of the pexiglass used on the coffee table? please add that to the video info.
Diane Ducote
I have watched many videos about painting upholstered furniture and am a bit skeptical (it looks scary). I’m hoping you may try some of these techniques and let me know which is best, or if they work or not.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hi Diane! While I haven’t done a video on painting upholstered furniture, I have done a blog post which you can find here: I must say it leaves the fabric stiff and a little crunchy. So if you have a buttery-soft chair, it probably won’t still be soft once you paint it. I would still recommend it as a cheap and easy way to update an outdated chair or sofa, especially if you might re-upholster it anyway! ~Chelsea
Can’t believe you only spent $50! Truly a great upgrade for a very minimal budget. Looks fancy, and DIY-friendly. Great job, Chelsea!
Dawn Bratcher
Wow, Chelsea! I can do that! I shared it on Facebook with all my friends so they can try it. When I move into my next house, I can’t wait to put Board & Batten up! Thank you!
How easy is it to upholstery an arm chair?
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hi Dawn! I would not categorize upholstering an arm chair as easy! I’ve never done it before, but it seems very involved and time-consuming! I’m sure you could do it with determination and a good tutorial! ~Chelsea
Edith Au
Chelsea; 1st; Kuddos to you as an inspiration to all of us female DIY’s/renovators. My primary question is how do you smooth/finish off the rough edges of the pexiglass used on the coffee table? please add that to the video info.
Chelsea Lipford Wolf
Hi Edith! That’s a good question! It did not need any smoothing or sanding! There were no rough edges. Thanks for watching! ~Chelsea