
How to Stay Cool Inside This Summer!

A few simple, inexpensive (or free) changes you can do today in your home can save you big money on cooling your home this summer!

Cool Hack #1

The first tip to make your summer at home a lot cooler is more of a ‘neat’ kind of cool than a cold kind of cool. Got it?

**I partnered with Duck Brand to share these tips. All opinions are my own.**

I have long desired to have a screen door on our back door. The kids will play outside while I’m cooking dinner and it’s nice to leave the door open to be able to monitor sibling bickering. If you know, you know.🤣

The problem is that my Achilles’ heel in life is closing doors and cabinets all the way.🤦🏼‍♀️ It just doesn’t happen much of the time. Some of my kids are better at it than me!

Thankfully I can be bad at closing doors and still keep the bugs out of my house with this magnetic screen door. It has magnets in the middle that you can push open easily with your shoulder if your hands are full. But then they fall back into place and close the screen after you pass through.🤌🏼

Magnetic Screen Door Attached to Back Door with Adhesive Strips

The best part is that you don’t even need tools to install it. It comes with hook and loop fasteners that attach with adhesive strips.

Simply mark the center of your door frame and attach the screen to the top and 2 sides.

Marking Door Frame for Screen Door

For a door that opens in like mine, you attach it on the outside. if your door swings out, then you install it on your inside trim.

Before we had the screen door, we used these sticky traps* to collect the flies that flew in. So gross but they work!

Cool Hack #2

Speaking of closing doors…This is a free life hack! Did you know locking your door even when you’re home can help with your AC bill? It’s true! Depending on the door, of course, locking the door pushes it tighter against the weatherstripping on the outside. Which means less hot air is getting inside your cool home. And less cool air is getting out!

I bet you’ll think twice when you come inside on a hot day now!

Cool Hack #3

Window air conditioning units are commonplace in some places. I know I can’t visualize an apartment building in NYC during the summer without seeing them hanging out of the windows. And rightfully so, they serve a great purpose where a forced air type of system like I’m used to in the deep south is not feasible. Heck even a lot of people down here have them to supplement older units or instead of adding a system to an older home that has never had a whole house system before.

As much cool air as they can add to a room, they can also leak outside air if they aren’t properly insulated, especially where the window meets the top of the unit.

Applying Insulating Seal to Window Air Conditioner

So picking up a pack of Window Air Conditioner Insulating Seal from Duck Brand is a no brainer. For just a few bucks you’re able to seal out the warm air, bugs and pollen and reduce the vibration noise of the unit against the window. Triple win right there!

Cool Hack #4

I will never stop being impressed with this free hack! Normally I’m an open-the-curtains when I wake up kind of girl. I love me some natural daylight. In fact, I need it to be happy! Don’t talk to me on rainy, overcast days.🤪

But on days when I’m not home aka weekdays, I’ve learned to keep the curtains closed on our south-facing and west-facing windows.

Closing Curtains During the Day to Save on AC Bill

There is a thing called solar heat gain…heat gained from the power of the sun. It shines its rays inside your home and warms it right up! The exact opposite of what we want during the heat of summer.

So by simply closing your curtains, drapes, blinds, etc. during daylight hours (or at least when the sun is shining in the strongest), you are blocking the sun’s heat from warming up your home! Free magic! It’s intoxicating I tell ya!

Try 1, 2, or all 4 of these tips right away and you’ll notice the difference in your home’s comfort level and your utilities bill! And being excited about lowering your utility bill is one of those ‘you know you’re an adult when…’ kind of moments.🙃

Thanks for Checking In! ~Chelsea


    • betty a murphy

      I use insulated curtains and still made insulated panel for under the curtains . I have 2 sets of patio doors and even put up bamboo blinds in them to help . I blew in 6 feet of insulation in my attic and added an automatic vent fan in the attic . My walls are 2×6 studs and I live in VA which everyone here put me down because they said I over built . NOPE JUST SMART

  • Jacquie D

    These are absolutely necessary in the Deep South in Summer—one thing to add is to make sure your weather stripping is good around your doors. And we supplement our AC with ceiling fans etc. little things help make a difference. Thanks for these tips!

  • Dina

    Chelsea, I have a question about cleaning around the door frame. It seems that for whatever reason, the caulking around my door has begun to mildew. I have tried the hot water and Tide and even bleach, but nothing seems to work. Is it time to re-caulk or do you have another solution?

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